In the Digital Support Week the superpower of the future is discussed - it is worth increasing everyday digital skills!
The Digital Support Week, which will be held for the second time, wants to increase the discussion on the superpowers of the future, in other words, the everyday digital skills. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will organise a theme week between 30 August and 3 September 2021 together with the national digital support network. The theme week encourages each of us to develop our digital skills. The versatile programme provides interesting information for both those interested in developing their own skills and those offering digital support. The week's virtual events are free of charge and open to everyone.
The Digital Support Week, which is offered online by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, is divided into theme days. During the first day, digital support is considered from the perspective of the provider, and later in the week, we will familiarise ourselves with, among other things, future digital skills, different user perspectives and the quality of digital services. Alongside the national programme, regional digital support providers organise local, practical programmes that provide tips on e-services, for example.
- The task of digital support is to help ensure that no one is excluded from the digital society. With regard to digitalisation, this is a permanent change, not just a temporary phenomenon. That is why different digital skills could actually be referred to as the superpower of the future, because it is precisely the wide-ranging development of these skills that will help us as a community to cope better. Digital skills are today's civic skills, says Minna Piirainen, Project Manager for Digital Support at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
Increasing digital skills makes everyday life smoother - and help is available
With the help of the theme week, the aim is to attract the attention towards digital support of citizens, companies and communities alike, so that all these levels of society can begin to develop their own digital competence, which is important to them.
At the same time, the week awakens people to realize that each of us sometimes provides digital support and sometimes needs it. For example, we may first help a loved one to use a service and then take part in data security training organised by the workplace. You do not need to know everything yourself, instead different digital support is always available.
– Digitalisation is a matter for everyone, and we want to promote positive experiences of it. The members of the digital support network are doing a truly valuable job in developing the digital competence of Finns, and in the future more experts and providers of assistance will be needed: teachers, service providers, more experienced loved ones, etc. This is why we encourage as many current digital support providers as possible and those interested in the topic to participate in the week's offer, Piirainen summarises.
Read more and see the updated programme:
There are thousands of digital support providers around Finland in the digital support network coordinated by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. The Digital Support Week is an open and free event week, which is visible throughout Finland. It is organised by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and the national digital support network. The aim of the week is to raise awareness of the importance of digital competence and increasing digital skills. The event was organised for the first time in 2020.
For more information, please contact:
Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Project Manager for Digital Support Minna Piirainen, tel. + 358 295 535 280
Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Mirva Gullman, Digital Support Designer, tel. + 358 295 535 229
E-mails are in the format: firstname.lastname[at]