Comment and contribute! Implementing acts supplementing the eIDAS Regulation are now available for feedback
In May 2024, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the revised eIDAS Regulation, which provides for the identification of persons in cross-border transactions between EU countries and for trust services used in electronic transactions. A key obligation of the revised regulation is that all EU Member States must provide a digital identity wallet that meets the requirements of the regulation no later than two years after the technical implementing acts have been finalised.
The technical implementing acts supplementing the EIDAS Regulation are currently under preparation. This week, the European Commission published draft implementing acts for the Regulation and made them open for public feedback. You can participate by commenting the draft acts!
The published drafts concern the following topics:
- European Digital Identity Wallets – certification
- European Digital Identity Wallets – protocols and interfaces to be supported
- European Digital Identity Wallets – person identification data and electronic attestations of attributes
- European Digital Identity Wallets – integrity and core functionalities
By filling the feedback questionnaire, you can communicate your organisation's views on the draft acts to the European Commission. The feedback period will last until 9 September 2024.
After giving feedback, you may send an additional copy of your feedback to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency at digihenkilollisyys@dvv.fiyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab for information. The feedback will then also be forwarded to the Ministry of Finance for information.
The Ministry of Finance will fill the feedback questionnaire in accordance with the current Finnish position on the matter. The current Finnish position is explained in Union communication 41/2021 vpLänk till en annan webbplatsyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
Additional information: digihenkilollisyys@dvv.fiyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab