A significant proportion of Finnish residents will be notified of their eligibility to vote in the upcoming county and municipal elections electronically
About 1.5 million eligible voters will receive notification of their right to vote in this year's county and municipal elections in electronic form. All eligible voters who have signed up for Suomi.fi Messages no later than 20 February 2025 will get an electronic notification of eligibility.
Notifications of the right to vote will arrive in March
The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will send notifications of the eligibility to vote to all who are entitled to vote in the county and municipal elections. The notifications will arrive in March. All eligible voters who use Suomi.fi Messages will get their notifications in electronic form and not by regular mail.
“If you do not receive a notification of the right to vote by mail, it would be a good idea to check your Suomi.fi Messages to see if your own e-mail address is correctly written there. Notifications of new messages are sent to the e-mail addresses that users gave when they sign up for the service. The actual notification of eligibility to vote can then be found on the Suomi.fi mobile application or the Suomi.fi online service”, explains Maria Juka-Lahdenperä, Service Owner of Suomi.fi Messages at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
The notification of eligibility contains important information on the election and the recipient's right to vote, such as the polling place on the actual election day, 13 April 2025. It is not necessary to take the notification of eligibility to the polling place. An identity card is sufficient to vote. However, the notification can be useful to have with you if you vote abroad, or in Finland in an institution.
If you sign up for Suomi.fi Messages no later than 20 February and you will be notified electronically of your eligibility to vote!
The Digital and Population Data Services Agency recommends that you take Suomi.fi Messages into use by 20 February 2025. If you do this, you will get your notification of eligibility to vote in the county and municipal elections electronically and not on paper.
By taking Suomi.fi Messages into use you will also receive decisions, invoices, and other notifications from other authorities electronically.
Further information
- Maria Juka-Lahdenperä, Service Owner of Suomi.fi Messages from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, tel. +358 295 535 334, firstname.lastname[at]dvv.fi
- Otto Palmu, Election Manager at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, tel. +358 295 535 137, firstname.lastname[at]dvv.fi
What is Suomi.fi Messages?
Suomi.fi Messages is a secure electronic mailbox that replaces official paper mail. The service is used by several authorities, and its use is constantly increasing. Incoming messages can be read using the Suomi.fi mobile application or by logging in to the Suomi.fi Web Service at https://suomi.fiLänk till en annan webbplats, Öppnas i en ny flikyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab. This way, you can read incoming mail wherever you are..
Notifications of incoming messages are sent to the email address that you have provided to the service. Users of the Suomi.fi mobile application will also receive notifications directly through the app.
You can access Suomi.fi Messages by downloading the Suomi.fi mobile application or by logging in at https://suomi.fi/messagesLänk till en annan webbplats, Öppnas i en ny flikyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab. Identification takes place with online banking codes, a mobile certificate or the electronic certificate on an ID card. By activating Suomi.fi Messages, you will also receive mail from several other authorities electronically.