The Digital and Population Data Services Agency service locations serve customers by appointment only
The Digital and Population Data Services Agency limits visiting at its service locations to prevent the spread of the corona virus. The service locations serve customers by appointment only.
Do not come to the service locations if you experience symptoms of a respiratory infection or if you are quarantined due to exposure to the coronavirus. If you arrive from abroad, follow the quarantine instructions by the Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL).
Our telephone service serves from 9.00 am to 12.00 am. You can also take care of your matters online. We recommend contacting us primarily by phone or using our online services.
You can for example order certificates from Population Information System via our e-service and receive them immediately. You can also send an application for changing your name via our e-service.
How to book an appointment to our service location
If you can’t take care of your matters online or by phone in urgent issues you can book an appointment to our service location.
- Via our e-service
- By calling our customer service and asking our officer to book an appointment for you, see our customer service numbers by subject
Booking appointments in advance improves the safety of our customers and employees, as there is no need to spend time in waiting rooms.
You can book an appointment in our e-service only for following services:
- Changes to personal data
- Registration of foreigners
- Marriage
- Notary public
Changes to personal data as well as examination of impediments to marriage can be made via electronic services or by mail.
Appointments cannot be made for our other services, as they do not require a personal visit to the agency.
Are you submitting mandate application for e-Authorizations?
Our customer service receives completed applications and identifies the person submitting the application. We will not process the application during your visit.
By examining the instructions and documents for authorisation with an application you will receive precise instructions based on your responses, which attachments should be attached to the application and who should sign the application.
Familiarising yourself with the instructions is advisable, as it will make the application much smoother.
See instructions
Go to mandate service provided by officials
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- Milloin edunvalvoja tarvitsee luvan?
- Edunvalvojan tehtävät
- Milloin edunvalvoja tarvitsee sijaisen?
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- Milloin edunvalvonta päättyy?
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