Experiment with assisted authorisation in Kainuu Sote a success – the operating model is ready for introduction in other wellbeing services counties
During the spring of 2022, Kainuu Sote has been experimenting with the possibility to act on behalf of another party in electronic services. This applies to people who do not have online banking codes or other electronic means of identification. The service streamlined transactions and enabled a better cooperation between the nursing staff and the customer. The service model for assisted authorisation is now ready to be introduced in all future wellbeing services counties. The model is made possible by the e-Authorizations service of the family. e-Authorizations are a solution for acting on behalf of another party developed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
It is used in many e-services in the public administration and the private sector. It enables acting on behalf of another person in services in which the e-Authorizations service is available. These include My Kanta and many healthcare and social welfare services.
However, strong electronic identification is needed to use the e-Authorizations. An assisted authorisation service model has now been tried out in Kainuu for those who do not have these means of identification. Assisted authorisation brings new groups of people within the scope of digital services.
If someone does not have an electronic identification means, they can book an appointment at a Kainuu Sote health centre. At the health centre, the person is identified, and their mandate application is registered in e-Authorizations. The assignor is required to have a valid passport or other identity document. If they have no valid identity document, they can also use another means of strong identification.
Participating in managing the affairs of a close one can now be done remotely
“Many groups of people and their close ones have been left outside the scope of digital services that make life easier because they do not have the important means of identification for one reason or another. The new service model is a significant step forward in increasing their opportunities to use electronic services,” says Senior Specialist Sanna Suomalainen-Ajanko from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
In practice, an electronic power of attorney created using e-Authorizations provides, for example, the close ones of a senior a way of participating in managing their health and social affairs, even if they live a little further away, making it impossible to be present in their everyday life at all times.
Good feedback on the Kainuu experiment
The idea of expanding the e-Authorizations service was born in a meeting between Kainuu Sote and the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Municipalities in the Kainuu Sote region became aware of the need, mainly concerning seniors, where they needed to be able to make an authorisation without digital means of identification.
"This service is great! I recommend it!"
Watch a video about experiences of Kainuu Social Welfare and Health Care Joint Authority, 3:24
“Originally, the initiative for the service came from relatives who manage affairs on behalf of their close ones. When they can check their examination results and the agreed upon plans in the electronic service after visiting the doctor’s office, their family member does not need to remember all the instructions they were given,” says Niina Komulainen who works as a specialist planner at the Kainuu social welfare and health care joint authority.
“Acting on behalf of another person makes providing care easier, especially for older people. Their care will be realised as planned. After visiting the doctor’s office, family members can check in My Kanta their plans, what pharmaceutical changes will be made and how the treatment will be monitored. It results in a significant improvement in the quality of care,” adds Atte Veteläinen, Physician at Kainuu Sote. e-Authorizations reduce the workload of nursing staff
The e-Authorizations service is a safer alternative for enabling acting on behalf of another person compared to a paper power of attorney.
Acting on behalf of another person electronically reduces the workload of both customers and health care professionals. The number of telephone calls to health care facilities decreases as using the services and communication take place online in an agile manner. At the same time, professionals can be sure that all the necessary information is available to the family member through electronic services.
The assisted authorisation service model is also suitable for other wellbeing services counties The service model for assisted authorisation via the e-Authorizations, which was tested in Kainuu, currently enables users to act on behalf of another person in health care, social welfare and pharmacy matters. It could also be introduced in other wellbeing services counties.
“I’m glad to see that the service model has attracted a lot of interest in the wellbeing services counties. At the moment, a few wellbeing services counties are already preparing to introduce it.”
In several regions, preparations will begin after the turn of the year once the new wellbeing services counties have started operating.
“We will continue to develop the service model together with the wellbeing services counties to meet the needs of people with reduced mobility,” says Suomalainen-Ajanko.
More detailed information on the timetable for expanding the service model to cover all of Finland will be provided on the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's website at (the page will be available later)
For additional information on the model for assisted authorisation via the e-Authorizations for wellbeing services counties:
Sanna Suomalainen-Ajanko, Senior Specialist, Digital and Population Data Services Agency, tel. +358 50 442 7730
Additional information about e-Authorizations
Tuuli Krekelä, Chief Specialist, Digital and Population Data Services Agency, tel. +358 50 435 6057
Assisted authorisation can also be done at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's service locations.
Further reading: A trusted person may now be authorised by the assignor to use digital services on their behalf even if they do not have online banking codes
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