e-Authorizations: Acting on behalf of another adult is now possible in the My Kanta service
In e-Authorizations, it is now possible to authorise a person you trust to use Kela's My Kanta service. The same mandate also enables the person to use many other healthcare service channels.
The assignee receives almost the same rights to use My Kanta as the assignor. The mandate can be granted in the service to a Finnish person who is a legally competent adult. The assignee can, for example, renew prescriptions and view the results of laboratory tests. However, the assignee cannot process organ donation testaments, living wills or wellbeing data.
For the time being, guardians cannot act on behalf of an adult principal in My Kanta Pages. Moreover, a person who does not have means of electronic authentication cannot grant the mandate. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency is currently investigating how to grant a mandate in these cases. The objective is that the implementation schedule will be specified further during 2021.
Other health-related matters can also be managed with one mandate
In My Kanta Pages, it is possible to act on behalf of another adult with the mandate “Managing matters related to healthcare” in The mandate entitles the assignee to view, notify and receive information related to the assignor’s health status in the healthcare services and to book appointments in the healthcare system on behalf of another person in various online services.
Those who already have this mandate will automatically be able to act on behalf of another person in My Kanta Pages. If they so wish, the mandate can be cancelled in the service.
How do I authorise another person to act on my behalf in My Kanta Pages?
- Identify yourself in e-authorisationsLinkki toiselle sivustolle, Avautuu uudessa välilehdessäyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab. For strong identification, you will need, e.g. online banking codes or a mobile certificate.
- Enter the information concerning the assignee.
- Select the mandate Managing matters related to healthcareLinkki toiselle sivustolle, Avautuu uudessa välilehdessäyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab. Also specify the period of validity for the mandate. After checking that the information is correct, please confirm the mandate.
- In the web service, you can also request another person to grant a mandate for transactions in order to act on their behalf in My Kanta Pages. The recipient of the request must authorise the request before it becomes a valid mandate for transactions.