Piloting of the European Digital Identity Wallet

The European Parliament and the Council have adopted the reformed eIDAS Regulation, which provides for the identification of persons in cross-border transactions between EU countries and for trust services used in electronic transactions. The technical implementing acts of the Regulation are expected to be finalised during 2024.  The key obligation in the reformed Regulation is that Member States must offer a digital identity wallet that meets the requirements of the Regulation by 2026 at the latest. Use of the wallet will be voluntary for citizens.

The wallet allows for electronic identification and for presenting reliable proof of other personal data throughout the EU

The European Digital Identity Wallet will function across national borders. Going forward, it can be used for identification purposes and for presenting reliable proof of personal data, such as information on completed degrees, professional qualifications or driving licences. In many public services, citizens are currently required to present a variety of different paper certificates and permits. Wallet applications will simplify such service situations. The ability to verify the correctness of data digitally will also enhance security.

Finland participates in the preparation of the European Digital Identity Wallet

Finland is an active participant in the preparations and is involved in the technical specification work, legislative drafting and piloting. By participating in the technical specification process, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency works to ensure that Finnish views are considered and keeps Finnish actors up to date on the progress of the work.

Finland’s participation in the implementation of the eIDAS Regulation is coordinated by the Ministry of Finance. The Toolbox group related to technical specifications includes representatives from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. In addition, Finland has a wide range of representatives involved in the use case groups preparing use cases for the wallet. The aim is to ensure that Finnish actors are aware of the progress of the work at the EU level and that Finland's views are communicated and taken into account. 

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency regularly holds open webinars as part of the technical specification of the European Digital Identity Wallet.

Pilot projects of the European Digital Identity Wallet in Finland

The pilot projects for the European Digital Identity Wallet were launched in Finland and Europe in 2023. The purpose of the pilot projects is to produce inputs for the technical specification of the wallet. There is a wide variety of public and private sector organisations participating in the projects.

In the pilot projects, the focus is on cross-border use cases where, for example, the Finnish wallet is used in services outside Finland or where wallet applications produced by other EU countries are used in Finland. The pilot will be carried out on test data and no real personal data will be processed during the pilot phase.

In the pilot projects, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency supports the preparation of the European Digital Identity Wallet in Finland and works to identify roles and responsibilities arising from the wallet. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency is also working to ensure that the wallet solutions are compatible with the electronic identification services and trust services currently used in Finland. 

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency is involved in three European consortia where pilot projects are being carried out:

POTENTIAL Consortium

The POTENTIAL consortium includes 19 EU countries and Ukraine. It will run from 2023 to 2025. The consortium will pilot the European Digital Identity Wallet in six different use cases.

The Finnish participants of the consortium are the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the Ministry of Finance and Traficom. Finland will participate in the pilot projects of two use cases:

  • user identification in the electronic services of public administration in the EU
    • The pilot project will test user identification in the electronic services of public administration with a wallet produced by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and similarly a use case where a citizen of another EU country identifies themselves in the electronic service of Finnish public administration.
    • In the pilot project, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency will produce the wallet application and the core personal data for the application allowing electronic identification. In addition, the project involves creating and testing preconditions for user identification in the electronic service of the Finnish public administration from another EU country.
  • using a mobile driving licence in the EU
    • The pilot project involves testing the demonstration of a valid driving licence with the help of a wallet produced by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and similarly a use case where a citizen of another EU country demonstrates their right to drive in Finland.
    • In the pilot project, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency will produce a wallet application, the core personal data for the application and the capability to download information demonstrating a valid driving licence, which enables electronic identification. The data on driving licences will be produced by Traficom.

In addition, the consortium involves pilot projects for using the digital wallet in the EU to open a bank account, activate a SIM card and enable electronic signatures and electronic prescriptions. Finland is not participating in these projects but will follow their development with interest.

Learn more about the POTENTIAL consortium >>

EWC Consortium

The EWC consortium includes 27 EU countries and nearly 80 different organisations. It will run from 2023 to 2025. The consortium will pilot the European Digital Identity Wallet in three different use cases.

The Finnish participants of the consortium are the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the Ministry of Finance, the Finnish Tax Administration, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office and the State Treasury. The Finnish contribution will be implemented in cooperation with the Real-Time Economy project

Finland will participate in the pilot projects of two use cases:

  • wallet as proof of identity
    • The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will produce a wallet application that can be used as proof of identity, for example at airports in the EU.
  • digital wallet for companies
    • The consortium involves a pilot project for a wallet for companies, which could for example be used to deliver a receipt of purchase when doing business with another company in the EU. The Real-Time Economy project is responsible for implementing and piloting the wallet for businesses in Finland. 

Learn more about the EWC consortium >>

DC4EU Consortium

The DC4EU consortium includes 20 EU countries, Ukraine and Norway, and more than 80 public and private sector actors. It will run from 2023 to 2025. The consortium will pilot the European Digital Identity Wallet in four different use cases.

The Finnish participants of the consortium are the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the Ministry of Finance and the Finnish National Agency for Education. 

Finland will participate in the pilot projects of one use case:

  • study certificate information
    • The Digital and Population Data Services Agency and the Finnish National Agency for Education are participating in a pilot project that enables demonstrating study certificate information in the EU with a wallet application. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will produce the wallet application, and the Finnish National Agency for Education is responsible for providing the study certificate data. 

In addition, the consortium involves pilot projects for use cases related to professional qualifications and social security, but Finland is not participating in the pilots of these use cases.

Learn more about the DC4EU consortium >>

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