
For each election, Digital and Population Data Services Agency establishes a register of eligible voters (a voting register) based on the Population Information System. In this context, it also posts the notification of eligibility (notification card) to each eligible voter.

The Population Information System is also used to check the details of candidates and to establish the register of candidates.

When there is an election in Finland, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency provides a Polling Station Service on this website. The service can be used to check the location of the nearest advance polling station and the polling station on the actual election day on the map. Unfortunately, this service is only available in Finnish.

We will soon have an election and that's why its important that your address is correct. A notice of your right to vote will be posted to the address you have registered.

How to check your personal details registered in the Population Information System https://dvv.fi/en/check-your-own-personal-details .



Do you also receive notification of voting rights in electronic form in Suomi.fi messages?

If you use Suomi.fi messages, you will receive notification of your right to vote in Suomi.fi messages in electronic form instead of paper mail.

If you want to receive notification of your right to vote in the 2024 presidential election electronically, activate Suomi.fi messages no later than December 7, 2023.

Activate the service at https://suomi.fi/viestit.
You need Finnish bank credentials or a mobile certificate to log into the service.


Population of Finland 5 627 889