Digital and Population Data Services Agency has an Information Security Certificate. A Quality Certificate has also been granted to the Quality System of our Certificate/EID Service. Both certificates have been granted by Inspecta Certification.
These certificates are not granted for an indefinite period: renewals require regular audits at least once a year. The organisation must maintain and develop its information security and quality systems and ensure that processes, work performances and services are carried out in accordance with the certified system.
Digital and Population Data Services Agency's Information Security Certificate complies with the ISO/IEC 27001:13 standard. It covers issues such as information security policy, organisation of information security management, classification and control of assets protected, personnel security, physical information security, communications and operations management, access control, systems development and maintenance, business continuity management and compliance. The standard defines the high standard of information security that is implemented using the protection mechanisms chosen by the organisation.
The Certificate granted for the Quality System of the Certificate/EID Service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency complies with standard ISO 9001:2015. The Quality System is an important tool for planning and developing the operations. Certification improves the public credibility of the operations and the system. The objective of having the Certificate, therefore, is to create an operational policy that involves continued development and to produce internationally valid evidence of the standards compliance of the Quality System.
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