The new Ministry of Finance Decree on Fees Charged for Digital and Population Data Services Agency Performances in 2025 has been published. As a result, the public sector price list for the Public administration sampling and updating service changed starting January 1, 2025. The new prices are available in the "Prices" section of this website.
Public administration sampling and updating service
Through the service, public administration organisations can:
- access personal and construction data from the Population Information System with their chosen sampling criteria.
- keep their customer register up to date with data from the Population Information System.
Samplings and updates are done in bulk. This means that the registers undergoing updates and the person and building groups that are sampled often comprise tens of thousands of units. We tailor the content of the disclosed data to the applicant's needs.
Inquiries or requests for information concerning individuals are not covered by this service.
For whom and for what purpose?
The data generated in the service is typically used for the planning and investigation tasks of the authorities and for scientific research. Personal sampled or updated data can also be used in register-based studies.
The service customers include different public administration organisations, such as
- national and regional authorities
- a municipality or joint municipal authority
- regional rescue services
- universities and various research institutes.
PLEASE NOTE: If your research or other information needs are related to the secondary use of social and health data and you intend to combine the data from the Population Information System with data from other controllers, contact the Finnish Social and Health Data Permit Authority FindataLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
If you do not intend to combine Population Information System data with other data, apply for a data permit from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (go to the section Follow these instructions).
What does sampling mean?
In the sampling process, certain persons or buildings that meet the sampling criteria are retrieved from the Population Information System. From the selected target group, a random sample or all individuals or buildings belonging to the target group can be selected.
Examples of sampling criteria include:
- age, gender or mother tongue of the person,
- building features, such as intended use or outfitting,
- area, such as the person's municipality of residence or the municipality where the building is located.
Samplings may be one-off events or repeatedly performed according to the customer's needs. Only the information that is essential for the purpose of use is disclosed on the persons or buildings. The sampling services also offer information packages of different sizes that contain data on persons or buildings.
What is a customer register update?
The personal data in the customer's register is updated on a one-off basis with up-to-date data from the Population Information System. The update is carried out on the basis of personal identity codes. If there are no personal identity codes in the customer's register, the persons can be identified from the Population Information System based on their name and date of birth.
Registers that are updated include:
- standard student data updates by educational institutions
- updates to membership information of unemployment funds
- data updates of compensation recipients of insurance companies.
Non-standard updates include updating address information to invite a specific set of patients or research subject group to a follow-up visit.
Follow these instructions
- Identify yourself in the e-serviceLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
- Select "Start a new application".
- Select "Public administration".
- Next, select “I want to retrieve data from the Population Information System” in the drop-down menu.
- Select the option "Data permit application for the sampling or update service, Search for personal and building data for research and official use".
- Select "Start".
- Select "New application" in the drop-down menu or one of the umbrella permits (e.g. "Extraction of building and apartment information (RHR)").
An organisation wishing to use the services must receive a data access authorisation from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (administrative decision) and pledge to observe the terms and conditions of the authorisation.
Go to e-serviceLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
You can contact the service by sending an email to
Content of disclosed data
Basic information packages
- Basic personal data (sampling)
- Basic personal data (updates)
- Death data (updates)
- Mailing information (sampling)
- Mailing information (updates)
Additional information packages
- Previous addresses
- Former marriages
- Sampling of guardians
- Other residents in the apartment
- Fishing survey
- Previous municipalities of residence
- Sampling of relatives
Sampling of control subjects Selected basic and additional information packages can be supplemented with individual information.
Standard sampling of building and apartment data (RHR sampling)
The product includes nine (9) sub-files:
- Building data, including information on both completed and unfinished new buildings. (R1)
- Information on construction projects, including information on all types of construction projects (building permits) whether they have been finished or not, i.e. in addition to permits for new construction, information on extensions, modifications and other permits is provided. (R2)
- Information on the addresses of buildings, including the current addresses of the buildings. (R3)
- Information on the owners of the buildings, including the identity, name and contact details of the current owners. (R4)
- Information on apartments in buildings, including information on premises-type apartments. (R5)
- Information on public funding of buildings. (R6)
- Log of changing building codes. (R7)
- Permit apartments for construction projects. (R9)
Resident information for regional rescue departments and national customers
- Building resident information (R8)
One or more municipalities (a group of freely defined municipalities, e.g. region) or buildings and construction projects in the whole of Finland are used as a sampling condition. The sampling range is defined in the data permit granted to the applicant.
The information to be disclosed is in accordance with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's description of the basic sampling of building, apartment and building project data.
The data content to be disclosed is defined in the data permit so that all or certain sub-files of the valid record description are disclosed from the Population Information System as such. The disclosure of personal data contained in the above-mentioned sub-files may be specified in the data permit in contrast to the record description (for example, the individual owners of the building and the residents of the building).
An umbrella permit refers to a data permit granted to a certain industry or for a certain activity or use. An umbrella permit can mainly be granted to actors in the public sector, such as municipalities and joint municipal authorities, who have a uniform need for information.
It is possible for a suitable applicant organisation to join the following umbrella permits:
- Regional rescue services: sampling of building and apartment data (RHR)
- Municipalities: sampling building and apartment information (RHR)
- Municipalities, waste committees and joint municipal authorities: waste management sampling
- Municipalities and rescue departments: sampling of property ownership data (COM)
- Educational institutions: register update
- Unemployment funds: register update and sampling of child data
- Insurance companies: update of the compensation recipient register
Processing time and pices
- The service does not contain ready-made data content, so no data request can be implemented immediately. Sometimes the implementation of sampling requires development work, which may take several working days.
- Data permit applications are usually processed in approximately 4 weeks. Once the access authorisation decision has been made, the technical delivery of the data takes 10–20 days.
- Orders related to umbrella permits and indefinite customer-specific data permits are processed within 1–5 working days.
Sampling delivery fee: EUR 600
- Unit fee: EUR 0.023 per unit
Update delivery fee: EUR 600
- Unit fee: EUR 0.023 per unit
- Possible identification fee: EUR 120
Data unit fees are subject to a quantitative discount for samplings and updates as follows:
- over 100,000: €0.014 per data unit
- over 500,000: €0.010 per data unit
- over 2,500,000: €0.008 per data unit
- over 3,500,000: €0.007 per data unit
- over 5,000,000: €0.005 per data unit
Standard building and apartment data sampling is free of charge twice a calendar year for the following organisations:
- government agencies and institutions
- courts and other judicial bodies
- municipal authorities
- Parliament and its agencies and institutions
- the Office of the President of the Republic
- regional, municipal and state authorities operating in the Province of Åland
- educational institutions providing education leading to a statutory qualification
- Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela)
Mass data requests for media
Contact the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's Communications Department.
See also
Other bulk sampling and updating services provided by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency:
- Data extraction for municipalities is a self-service application, which makes it possible to extract personal data needed by the municipality for the performance of its statutory tasks and to contact inhabitants of the municipality.
- The modified data update service enables government or municipal authorities to keep their registers up to date. The service is particularly suitable for updating large registers that are used daily. The modified data update service updates registers with the changes recorded in the Population Information System at certain intervals.
- Private sector information services provide private companies and organisations with the opportunity to keep their customer registers up to date using the Population Information System data. Information is provided to private actors through the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's partners.
Other useful links:
- The Open Data website Avoindata.fiLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab contains comprehensive information on, for example, building and apartment data.
- The official controller of real estate data is the National Land SurveyLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
- Finnish Social and Health Data Permit Authority Findata.fiLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
- Statistics FinlandLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab is the official statistical authority in Finland.