Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Rovaniemi

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency provides services throughout Finland, mainly online and by telephone. Only certain issues require a visit to our service location. You may visit the most suitable service location for you, regardless of your area.

International students’ registrations at DVV Rovaniemi service location:

  • Fri 17 January from 9:00 AM to 15:30 PM

Please don't make a separate appointment but visit us on the international students pop-up registration day. Thank you!

Street address

Hallituskatu 5 C

Postal address

P.O.Box 8183

You can send documents by post to this address.

Office hours

Service location in Rovaniemi is open by appointment

Thu - Fri 9:00 - 15:30

See available times at You can book an appointment only to services that require a personal meeting.

Open without an appointment

Thu 9:00 - 12:00

Without an appointment, you can get advice and submit documents at our service location. You can also send documents by post.

In other matters, we will serve you online or via national service numbers.

Population of Finland 5 648 437