Privacy statement of the communications stakeholder register
The Digital and Population Data Services Agency actively communicates about the opportunities and features offered by its services and sends invites to events related to these services. Messages are sent to service users, newsletter subscribers and people registering for events. The website also falls under the responsibilities of communications. Customer data is part of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s stakeholder register.
Your data may be in this register if you use the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s services, have subscribed to a newsletter or have participated in events organised by the Agency.
Digital and Population Data Services Agency communications stakeholder register
Digital and Population Data Services Agency
Lintulahdenkuja 2, 00530 Helsinki, Finland
P.O. Box 123, 00531 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone (switchboard) +358 295 536 000, email kirjaamo(a)
Contact person in register-related matters
Communications Manager Päivi Railotie
Data Protection Officer Henriikka Hannula
Telephone (switchboard) 02 9553 6000,
The information in the Digital and Population Data Services' stakeholder register can be used for communication purpose. We send customer information and newsletter regarding our services. We send invitations to events regarding our services.
The data in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s stakeholder register is kept for an indefinite period. Event registration information is stored for a maximum of two years.
Individuals can remove their data from the register by using the link available at the end of newsletters / customer notices or by contacting Digital and Population Data Services Agency communications at
Forename and surname
- Organisation
- Email address
- Special diet (event registrations only)
The data in the register is collected from newsletter subscriptions. In addition, users of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s services are added to the register so that they can be sent important information on the functioning of the services.
Personal data in the stakeholder register is processed by representatives of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and also by Liana Technologies in the newsletter and customer notice system (Postiviidakko), by Lyyti Oy for event invitations and by Ambientia Oy for the website. Personal data is not disclosed for other purposes than use by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
Access to the data is limited to persons in the Agency whose duties include communication or organising events.
No personal data is transferred outside the EU or EEA.
The data is password protected. Manual material is located in locked facilities protected by access control.
No automated decision-making or profiling is performed on the basis of the data from the personal data file.
Right of inspection
You have the right to request access to your personal data, meaning you can check the information that is kept on you in the personal data file. You can submit a request to access to your information to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Be prepared to verify your identity.
You will receive the information you need within a month. If, for come justified reason, the information cannot be provided to you in this time period, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency can extend the deadline by 2 months. In this case, you will be sent a notification on the matter.
Right to demand data correction
You have the right to ask for your personal data to be corrected. Submit a written request to the contact person of the register (section Controller and contact persons). In the request for correction, mention the data that should be rectified and the details of the change or the information that should be added to the register. Your identity will be verified in connection with the request.
Cancelling consent
To cancel your consent to the processing of your data, you can click the link available at the end of a newsletter, notice or event invitation to unsubscribe. You may also contact the Digital and Population Data Services Agency to cancel your consent.
If your work role requires having information on the services provided by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, you will receive notices for this purpose. Consent to the sending of notices is not required and therefore cannot be cancelled.
The service is based on compliance with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s statutory obligation, and in these cases, you do not have the right to demand the deletion or transfer of your data to another system.
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Ombudsman regarding the processing of their personal data.
For more information, see the Data Protection Ombudsman’s instructionsLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab