Using e-Authorizations, you can authorise another person or a company to act on your behalf in the matters that you have specified.
A mandate means that you can grant a company or a person aged 18 or over the right to act on your behalf in a matter that you have specified. An e-authorisation can be described as an electronic power of attorney the details of which are entered into the national authorisation register.
You can also request a mandate to act on behalf of another person or a company and manage the mandates centrally.
Using e-Authorizations is safe because the user is identified with strong identification. e-Authorizations run in the background of a number of e-services operated by different authorities. When you are acting on behalf of another party in an e-service, the service checks that you have the right to act on behalf of this party or that you are authorised to do it.
You can grant a mandate if you are of age. If you are aged under 18, you cannot grant mandates in This is because a person under the age of 18 is considered incompetent and cannot authorise other persons to act on their behalf. A guardian is responsible for their underage children.
Do the following
Log into the Web Service using your bank identification codes, mobile ID or certificate card (ID card, organisation card or ID card for a regulated social and health care professional). Select Authorisations from the Web Service’s menu and proceed to grant a mandate.
To authorise another person to act on your behalf, you need to know their name and personal identity number.
If you want to authorise a company to act on your behalf, enter the company's business ID or find it using a web search service.
Go over to e-Authorizations in the Web Service
Public Service Info provides guidance on the use of e-Authorizations by phone, email, text message and via the feedback form. Instructions are also available in the Instructions and Support section of the Web Service.
What to do if you do not have means of electronic identification
If you do not have means of electronic identification (such as online banking IDs) or access to digital services, you can receive assistance for authorising other person to act on your behalf.
First, decide who you want to act on your behalf, in which matters and for how long. Then, agree with this desired assignee on how you want to make the authorisation.
The easiest way to do this is through a mandate request: The person you want to act on your behalf identifies themselves in and sends you a mandate request. For this purpose, they need your name, personal identity code and a list of the mandate themes that you want to give them.
After this, you must accept the mandate request at one of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service locations. If you make an appointment in the ' e-Authorizations for organisations and citizens’ service, you can avoid queuing and can ensure that you are served.
If you are not able to visit a Digital and Population Data Services Agency service location in order to approve the mandate request, you can submit an electronic mandate request either yourself or together with your assistant. This assistant may be either the desired assignee or some other person.
See the Web Service for instructions on submitting a mandate request.
You can find all e-services using e-Authorizations on the page Services using e-Authorizations in the Web Service.
- Individuals
- Processing times
- Marriage
- Having or adopting a child
- Names
- Moving
- Guardianship
- Life changes while living abroad
- Moving while living abroad
- Registration of a child born abroad
- Marriage concluded abroad
- Partnership registered abroad
- Divorce granted abroad
- Registration of a name change performed abroad
- Gender recognised abroad
- Death abroad
- Registration of citizenship
- Notification of retaining Finnish citizenship
- Legalisation of foreign documents
- Submitting foreign documents
- As a foreigner in Finland
- Registration of a foreigner
- Guide for students
- Municipality of residence
- Family relationships and Marital Status
- Instructions on arriving in Finland from Ukraine
- Guide for employed persons
- Fast track service for specialists and growth entrepreneurs
- Instructions for legalisation
- Submitting foreign documents
- Foreigner’s move to Finland, in Finland and out of Finland
- Check your own personal details
- Elections and Right to vote
- Web Service
- Citizen Certificate and electronic identity
- Certificates from the Population Information System
- Population information in the Population Information System
- Registration of a gift notification
- Services of notary public
- Certification of purchase
- Citizens’ initiative
- Death and estate inventory
- Public Service Info
- Address service
- Forms
- Digital support for citizens
- Organisations
- Certificates
- For social welfare and healthcare service providers
- For organisations
- Electronic sealing service
- Timestamping Service
- Electronic signature
- Service certificates
- Advisory service, support and revocation service
- Certificate Directory
- Test the use of a certificate
- Card Reader Software
- Information about certificates
- Population information services for organisations
- Public administration sampling and updating service
- Private sector information services
- PIS modified data interface
- Modified data update service
- Population Information System query interface
- Browser-based Population Information System query
- Resident selection service
- Selection service for municipalities
- Reform of personal identity code
- Conditions for using population information
- Selection service for wellbeing services counties
- Maintaining the Population Information System
- Extracts from registers
- services
- Services to promote digitalisation
- Digital support
- Digital security services
- Services of notary public
- Certification of purchase
- Right to officiate weddings
- E-services
- Finnish Authenticator identification service
- Certificates
- About the agency
- Digital and Population Data Services Agency
- Digital and Population Data Services Agency as an Employer
- Use our services electronically
- Contact
- Customer service for private customers
- Customer service for organisations
- Service locations
- Digital and Population Data Services Agency address, switchboard e-billing details
- Digital and Population Data Services Agency Management
- Marriage ceremony premises information
- Contact details for media
- International Affairs
- Invoicing
- Quality policy
- Equality plan for customers
- Data protection
- News
- Population Information System
- For media
- Brochures and publications
- Projects
- Foresight and research cooperation