Privacy statement for marital contract affairs
The register made up by the Register of Marital Contract Affairs and the register compiled from annual lists of the Official Journal 1930-1978 contains information that has been recorded on registered marital contracts. The information has been recorded in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Act on Certain Person Registers of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. The information compiled from the annual lists of the Official Journal 1930-1978 includes the marital contracts registered during the time period in question in a digitised format. Since 1979, the information has been stored in electronic format. The purpose of the regis-ter is to enforce the legal effects of the documents and make the information public.
The provisions laid down in section 16 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities are applied to dis-closures of the information contained in the register. However, everyone has the right to receive a copy or a printout of the registered information concerning a certain person.
The Register of Marital Contract Affairs and the register compiled from annual lists of the Official Journal 1930 - 1978
Digital and Population Data Services Agency
Lintulahdenkuja 2, 00530 Helsinki
PL 123, 00531 Helsinki
Telephone (switchboard) 02 9553 6000, email kirjaamo(a)
Contact person in register-related matters
Pekka Kortelainen, Senior Specialist
Telephone (switchboard) 02 9553 6000, email kirjaamo(a)
Telephone (switchboard) 02 9553 6000,
The register is maintained for the submittal of documents or for the enforcement of legal effects related to registration and for the publication of the data.
Data on the following documents referred to in the Marriage Act (234/1929) is stored in the Register of Marital Contract Affairs:
- notification of the withdrawal of marital rights referred to in section 35 Paragraph 4;
- marital contract referred to in section 43 Paragraph 1
- deed of distribution referred to in section 104 Paragraph 2; and
- contracts referred to in section 135 Paragraph 2 and 3.
The personal data contained in the Register of Marital Contract Affairs is processed on the basis of Article 6 of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. Personal data is processed as part of the provision of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s statutory services. The provisions on the Register of Marital Contract Affairs are laid down in the act concerning certain registers of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
As a rule, the data entered in the register will be permanently stored (Act on Certain Person Registers of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency)
The following information is recorded in the register:
- name and personal identity code of the spouses, or in the absence of a personal identity code, date of birth;
- the municipality or state of residence of the spouses;
- date of the marriage;
- type and date of the document;
- date of receipt of the notification; and
- name of the authority registering the information, date of registration of the document and the identifying data for the case.
In addition, the information on the date of dissolution of the marriage and the grounds for dissolution as well as the name change of the spouse, received from the Population Information System, is recorded in the regis-ter.
Based on the possibility of notification provided for in the law, information is received from private persons. The notification may be submitted to the Register of Marital Contract Affairs by the spouse or fiancé(e). As for the deed of distribution, the notification may also be submitted by heirs.
The information on the date of dissolution of the marriage, the grounds for dissolution and the name change of the spouse is received from the Population Information System.
The register data is public. A permission to disclose the data by means of a technical connection may be granted to state or municipal authorities, communities or own-account workers who constantly require register data for an acceptable purpose in their operations.
No personal data is transferred outside the EU or the EEA.
The data material has been protected by means of access management and it can be accessed only from the internal network of the central government. In addition, personal data is protected by means of physical access control, by monitoring the use of personal data and through instructions provided for the processing of personal data.
No automated decision-making or profiling is performed on the basis of the data.
Right of inspection
You have the right to request that the controller provides you with access to the data on you, so that you can check the information that is kept on you. The request must be submitted in writing to Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s registry office. Be prepared to prove your identity.
You will receive the information you need within a month of the time your request was registered. However, for justified reasons the Digital and Population Data Services Agency can extend the aforementioned one-month timeline by two months at the most. In this case you will receive a notification.
Right to demand data correction
You have the right to ask for your personal data to be corrected. Submit a written request to the contact per-son of the register (section Controller and contact persons). In the request for correction, mention the data that should be rectified and the details of the change or the information that should be added to the register. Your identity will be verified in connection with the request.
Limitations to the rights of the data subject with regard to the processing of personal data
Most of the services provided by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency are based on compliance with a statutory obligation or the use of public powers. In those cases, you do not have the right to demand the dele-tion of your data or its transfer to another system.
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority on the processing of their personal data.