Check your own personal data

You can check your personal details kept in the Population Information System on the personal data page of the Web ServiceLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab. Using the service requires strong identification.

In the service, you can find

  • your valid personal data
  • details of your property and building ownership
  • your previous names
  • your previous addresses.

When you identify yourself In the service, you can

  • check your data in the Population Information System

  • enter your preferred name, profession, native language, communication language and email address
  • activate or remove a non-disclosure of personal data
  • block your move notification
  • remove your non-disclosure for personal safety reasons
  • resign from a religious community.

In the service, you will also find instructions on how to correct any errors in your data or add missing information.

Check your own personal dataLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

The electronic population information system was established in the 1970s and in the early years, not all information on family relationships was entered in the system. For example, the details of the parents of adult individuals were not always entered in the system. However, the information not entered in the electronic system can be found in the paper archives of different authorities.

What information are you checking or correcting?

Frequently asked questions