Certification of official competence
A notary public certifies the official competence (authority) of a signatory if the right of the person concerned to act, for example, on behalf of a company or a public authority has to be certified.
Do the following
- Deliver the document signed by a public authority or a private organisation to one of the offices of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. You do not need to visit the agency in person, but you can also send the document to the agency by post.
Service location addresses - If you deliver the document personally, book an appointment with a public notary through the appointment service.
Appointment services - The right of the signatory of the document to act on behalf of a public authority or a private organisation or the authority of a self-employed person will be examined.
- The notary public will check the situation from different registers or directly from the organisation that issued the document.
- A note confirming the competence will be recorded on the document and the notary public will sign the document.
- 2024: The certification of competence costs EUR 25 per signature (year 2024).
- 2024: The certification of competence costs EUR 27 per signature (year 2025).
Notary public
Book an appointment
Book an appointment to notary public
Please use secure email if your message contains personal or otherwise confidential information. Please choose julkinen.notaari@dvv.fi as the recipient.
Send secure emailLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
Telephone service number is +358 295 536 404
Service hours Mon–Fri 9–15.
If you need a public purchase witness, you can search for one on the website of the National Land Survey of FinlandLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.