The Digitally Secure Life training module
Through the Digitally Secure Life training module, you can learn to act safely in dangerous situations within the digital world. The training module includes online trainings, a mobile game and short videos that are open to all and free of charge.
The module includes online trainings for the management of organisations, digital security experts and the entire personnel of organisations. The trainings are complemented by a mobile game that allows you to practice digital security skills in practical situations.
Organisations can also use the module as part of employee induction. It is one way for organisations to ensure that their personnel have the necessary basic skills in digital security. When the basic competence is in order, each organisation can focus on providing its personnel with adequate instructions and training on the organisation's own operating methods and processes linked to digital security.
The Digitally Secure Life
The Digitally Secure Life game helps you learn digital security skills in an easy and fun way.
The game focuses on the digital safety skills needed in working life. Your task is to deal with everyday situations as an employee of the imaginary Municipality of Tyrskylä. Will you survive a working week full of digital security challenges?
It takes approximately 60 minutes to complete the game. If digital security issues are new to you, we recommend that you first complete the personnel training mentioned below.
Download the game from app stores
Apple App StoreLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
Google Play StoreLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
The Digitally Secure Life game has been released in Finnish, Swedish and English. The language can be changed via settings in the upper right corner of the game.
Privacy Policy
The Digitally Secure Life game is an audited, digitally-secure game. It does not connect to the internet, require any permissions from your device nor collect personal data.
If you notice any problems with the game, please contact us by email
This series of short videos provides you with the means to improve your everyday digital security both at work and in free time. Learn how to identify digital security threats with concise and fun videos. A moment's thought determines whether you are going towards a digital bane or a digital boon.
Duration: approximately 1 minute.
Language: the videos are in Finnish with Swedish and English subtitles
Digitally Secure Working Life
Digital security is a common concern for all of us. In this introductory training, you will learn to work safely in the digital world. You will learn to identify work-related threats and manage the risks arising from them. You will also learn to utilise the opportunities of the digital world. The online training lasts 30–60 minutes. Digitally Secure Working Life is the first part of the digital security training package.
Operate Safely in the Digital World
Do you know how to work safely in digital environments? It is actually pretty simple: Categorise the data and select the correct spaces and tools for processing it! In this training, we familiarize ourselves with the different types of data and the different spaces and tools that can be used to process them. You will also learn to communicate safely in social media. The online training lasts 30–60 minutes. Operate Safely in the Digital World is the second part of the digital security training package.
ABC of data protection for public administration personnel 2020
This training is produced to enable you to learn more about what data protection is, why it is important, and how personal data can be processed lawfully and securely.
This training is an updated version of the ABC of data protection for public administration personnel course published in 2018.
Go to the trainingLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
ABC of data protection 2 – deeper in data protection
This training examines the relationship between data protection and other fundamental rights, deepens the picture of data protection as part of an organisation's activities and familiarises the learner with its application in procurement, for example.
The training is a continuation of the ABC of data protection for public administration personnel 2020 training. This training is specifically intended for public administration employees who process a lot of personal data in their work.
Digital security for local government officials
In this training, you will familiarise yourself with digital security through its five key areas. We will go through the basic concepts and general principles of digital security. We will use examples to examine the importance of digital security in public administration in general and more specifically from the perspective of elected officials in local government.
Digital security for elected wellbeing services county officials
In this training, you will familiarise yourself with digital security through its five key areas. We will go through the basic concepts and general principles of digital security. We will use examples to examine the importance of digital security in public administration in general and more specifically from the perspective of elected officials in wellbeing services county.
Risk management in the digital world
Risk management helps organisations to achieve their objectives and enables the formation of a secure working environment. The training examines what risk management means and how risks can be managed. In addition, it explores how all members of the organisation can be involved in the risk management process. The training is aimed at the organisation’s managers, digital security specialists and all who are interested in risk management. The online training lasts 30–60 minutes.
Securing digital operations during incidents
An incident may arise, for example, from a natural phenomenon, a cyberattack, a power failure or human error. In this training, you will learn how to manage incidents and the continuity of operations as well as how to handle communications about the situation. The training is aimed at directors of organisations, digital security experts and persons responsible for services and processes. The online training lasts 30–60 minutes.
Organising digital security through architecture
In this training, you will learn what digital security architecture is and how it can be used as a tool for developing digital security in an organisation. The online training lasts 30–60 minutes.
Julkri – Assess And Develop Information Security
In this training, you will learn about Julkri, the assessment criteria for information security in public administration, and how you can use it to assess and verify the level of information security in any organisation. The online training lasts 60–90 minutes.
Digital Security Management Model
In the training, you will familiarize yourself with the digital security management model, which helps to develop digital security in a systematic and goal-oriented manner. The training will give you tips on where you can start in developing the organization's digital security.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at digiturva@dvv.fiyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab