The Digitally Secure Life training module

Through the Digitally Secure Life training module, you can learn to act safely in dangerous situations within the digital world. The training module includes online trainings, a mobile game and short videos that are open to all and free of charge.

The module includes online trainings for the management of organisations, digital security experts and the entire personnel of organisations. The trainings are complemented by a mobile game that allows you to practice digital security skills in practical situations.

Organisations can also use the module as part of employee induction. It is one way for organisations to ensure that their personnel have the necessary basic skills in digital security. When the basic competence is in order, each organisation can focus on providing its personnel with adequate instructions and training on the organisation's own operating methods and processes linked to digital security.


The Digitally Secure Life

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at digiturva@dvv.fiyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab