Download Card Reader Software

Digital and Population Data Services Agency offers card reader software free of charge to users of the citizen or organisation certificates it issues.

In many organisations, card reader software is installed centrally. In this case, employees do not need to install the card reader software. Please check your organisation’s guidelines regarding the card reader software.

To get access to the card reader software, accept the licensing terms during installation. We recommend that you use the most recent version of the card reader software.

Installing older versions of the card reader software or third party middleware software on the same computer may result in compatibility issues. This also applies to the simultaneous use of DigiSign Client and Atostek ID. Such use is at the user’s own risk, and DVV does not provide technical support for compatibility issues stemming from such use.

Older Windows versions than 10 are no longer supported. Card reader software may work with Windows 7, but the operating system’s support has ended in 2020 which means its use cannot be recommended for information security reasons. The functionality of the card reader software is no longer tested with Windows 7.

The latest Atostek ID versions

Download the newest Windows version
Download Atostek ID Windows version (msi)

Download the newest Linux version
Download Atostek ID Linux version (deb)

Download the newest Mac version
​​​​​​​Download Atostek ID Mac version (pkg)

For instructions on how to install the software, see section 3.2 of the Atostek ID installation guide.

The latest mPollux Digisign Client versions

Download the newest Windows version
Download DigiSign Windows exe version (4.3.0)
Common EXE packet for 32bit and 64bit Windows versions

Download the newest Linux version
Download DigiSign Linux version (4.3.0 Ubuntu 64-bit -version)

Download the newest Mac version
Download Digisign Mac version (4.3.0)

Atostek ID Release notes

AD Registration Service

This tool is only needed when logging into an AD domain using certificate cards issued by DVV. The tool is not needed on standalone workstation (e.g. citizen use). The installation should only be done by an organization’s IT administration.

Atostek ID AD Registration Service

The package is divided into two zip packages due to size restrictions.

DigiSign AD Registration Service

Information about additional commercial services for organizations offered by Atostek​​​​​​​ on Atostek Oy's website


Population of Finland 5 649 587