Information for the client's close ones and instructions for problem situations
- The guardian is obligated to keep secret the information received in their duties from their client. The guardian cannot disclose this information even to the immediate circle of their client if the client who understands the significance of the matter does not give separate consent to it.
- The guardian is responsible for organising the services for their client, but they do not need to manage these services themselves.
- A guardian can only act and represent their client in the tasks for which they have been assigned. The guardian must ask their client's opinion on matters that are important to them, if practically possible.
- Every year, we monitor that the guardian manages the client's property carefully and in the best interests of the client, even if the relative or client does not receive any information about this. For certain actions, they must also apply for permit from us.
- A guardian may be disqualified or, for example, prevented from representing their client due to a long-term illness or absence. In this case, they must apply for a substitute from us.
If necessary, we ask the opinion of the close ones in writing (hearing) when we have been informed of a person in need of guardianship. For example, we can consult the spouse, children or a person who has previously managed the person's affairs.
If the applicant has personally requested us to appoint a guardian for them, their opinion will determine whether we consult people close to them when we process the matter.
You can give us your opinion in writing even though we have not specifically asked you about the matter. We prefer you to do it on our online form (in Finnish)Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab. You need online banking credentials or a mobile certificate to use it. You can also use our paper form (in Finnish) File opens in a new tabyja-document-link-opens-in-a-new-taband send it to Digital and Population Data Services Agency / Guardianship 1004, 00531 Helsinki.
Different parties may have differing views on how the client's affairs should be managed. Such situations may arise in particular if not all parties are sufficiently familiar with the duties and role of the guardian. The guardian's duty of confidentiality may also cause distrust.
In unclear situations, first talk to the guardian. A matter - such as agreeing on operational assets - can be rectified through discussion.
If the guardian is a public guardian, you can also contact their supervisor, i.e. the leading public guardian, who can investigate your case if necessary.
If you cannot solve the issue by talking, you can contact us.
You can also file a complaint about the guardian's activities with us. Please, note that we do not usually investigate a complaint if
- it concerns a matter that is more than two years old
- the processing of the matter is the responsibility of another authority.
You can complain to us about the activities of both a private and a public guardian. Please note, however, that the guardian usually has the right to be informed of the content of the complaint and the complainant.
If you wish, you can also file a complaint with the Parliamentary Ombudsman or the Chancellor of Justice instead of us.
We are often unable to solve the problems of the guardian's activities ourselves, but we can mainly make recommendations on how the guardian should act.
In practice, the consequences of the complaint depend on what is revealed in the investigation of the matter. We may state that no action is required, or
- give instructions
- instruct the guardian to pay attention to good guardianship practice or a certain matter in the future
- give a warning to the guardian if they have acted unlawfully or neglected their responsibilities
- take action to discharge the guardian from their duties and appoint a new guardian for the client
- the guardian is appointed a substitute for certain actions.
1. We prefer you do it on our form. Save the form for yourself before you start filling it in.
Complaint about the guardian's activitiesFile opens in a new tabyja-document-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (in Finnish)
You can also submit a free-form complaint but enter the same information as requested in the form.
2. Send us the complaint by mail to Digital and Population Data Services Agency / Guardianship 1004, 00531 Helsinki.
3. We will handle the complaint.
We will determine whether the matter presented in the complaint can be resolved in another way such as by advising the guardian.
If the matter cannot be resolved otherwise, we will process the complaint and request a report from the guardian on the matter. We attach your complaint to the request for clarification sent to the guardian as it is.
4. We will issue a decision on the matter.
Read about the possible consequences of the complaint in the question above.
Processing time
We process complaints in their order of arrival. The processing time varies on a case-by-case basis.
Frequently asked questions
You can appeal against the decision that you have received in accordance with the instructions for appeal. The instructions are attached to the decision.
You should first discuss the matter with your guardian. Your guardian is usually able to show why your affairs have been managed in a specific manner.
If, after the discussion, you have reasons to believe that the guardian has caused damage to your, you can submit a claim for damages to the District Court within three years of receiving the final statements.
Laws related to the matter
Guardianship Services Act (442/1999)Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab