Retaining Finnish citizenship 

If you are a citizen of both Finland and another state, you may automatically lose your Finnish citizenship when you turn 22. However, you will not lose your Finnish citizenship as long as you have a sufficient connection with Finland.  

If you suspect that you may have lost your Finnish citizenship, contact a Finnish mission or us. We cannot disclose personal data by email. You can see your citizenship and other personal data by checking your personal data.  

If you also have a citizenship of another country, please notify us of this following the instructions on the Registration of citizenship page. 

Also remember to notify us when your address changes abroad. Read more about moving abroad in another address.

What is a sufficient connection with Finland? 

You have a sufficient connection with Finland if any of the following conditions are met: 

  • You were born in Finland and have a municipality of residence in Finland when you turn 22. 
  • You have lived in Finland or some other Nordic country (Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark) for a total of seven years before you turn 22.  
  • You have received or applied for a Finnish passport or identity card between the ages of 18 and 21. 
  • You have obtained Finnish citizenship between the ages of 18 and 21. 
  • You are doing or have completed your military service, non-military service or a voluntary military service for women between the ages of 18 and 21.  
  • You notify us or a Finnish mission between the ages of 18 and 21 that you wish to retain your Finnish citizenship. 

You can submit the notification to us when you have turned 18 but not yet 22. The notification is too late if we receive it on your 22nd birthday. 

Do the following

  1. Notify us in writing that you wish to retain your Finnish citizenship

    If you cannot use the online form, you can fill in a paper form at a Finnish mission or send a free-form notification by post to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, PO Box 1003, 00531 HELSINKI, FINLAND. If your municipality of residence was in Åland before moving abroad, send the form to Statens ämbetsverk på Åland.


Free of charge

Acts related to the matter

Nationality ActLink to an external website

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Contact us

You can find the average processing times on our website


If your message contains personal or other confidential information, remember to use secure email. Choose the address as the recipient.

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Telephone service

Telephone service: 0295 536 320

Service hours: Mon–Fri 9–15