Digital support in brief
Digital support provides support for e-services and the use of services and equipment. It helps customers use equipment and electronic services independently and safely.
Forms of digital support:
- remote support: chat, telephone or video support, unmanned service points
- face-to-face support: service points, peer support and support at home
- training: online training, adult education centres, courses
The content of digital support may vary. It can be, for example, guidance in the use of e-services, the installation of apps, or providing advice on how to deploy apps and services. Each organisation should define what types of digital support it offers.
Every one of us sometimes needs digital support. Our society has become widely digitalised. Key services are available electronically, and there are also many digital services that make everyday life easier and entertain us. However, the digital operating environment is in a constant state of change: everyday life is becoming digitalised differently for different people and at different paces. The need for digital support evolves with the development of digitalisation, as the skills needed are constantly changing.
Many communities and organisations have taken or been given responsibility for digital support tasks during the digital transformation.
Established digital support providers are public service providers whose statutory task is to provide support in the use of digital services as part of support in the use of their own services. In addition, some municipalities also provide general digital support for service other than their own. Libraries also play an important role in supporting the development of digital competence.
Organisations also provide a great deal of digital support. The support provided by organisations is often intended specifically for certain target groups, such as older people. In addition, there are many actors in the organisation sector that provide digital support to their customers in addition to their actual activities.
Many companies also provide digital support both a paid and a free-of-charge service. Key digital support providers include banks and telecommunications operators that provide support in the use of their own digital services.
In addition, a significant share of digital support for employed people takes place at their workplace. Adult education centres play an important role in providing adults an education in digital skills.
A large portion of the digital support is hidden. A key form of digital support is when ordinary people support and help those they know in practical matters in their homes, workplaces and social media. Digital support is often quiet and invisible, but at the same time it is present everywhere in everyday life.
Find the digital support service locations on the websiteLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
Public Service InfoLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab is a service provided by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency that guides you to the right authority and advises you on how to use the services.
The Digital Support service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency develops digital support nationally. The Digital Support service trains and supports digital support providers, studies digital competence phenomena and develops digital support operating models together with digital support actors.