Notification about an extra resident

Please, use the online form below to notify us of the removal of a resident if a person who does not actually live there has been registered in your apartment.

You can check the number of residents in the apartment at:

Do the following:

Submit the notification using our online form

You will need online banking codes or a mobile certificate to use the online form.

Online form

Are you unable to handle your matter online?

If you are unable to handle your matter online, you can use the PDF form. Please note, that notifications sent via the online form will be processed faster.

Save the PDF form on your computer before filling it out.

Please return this form by classified email from and choose Muuttoneuvonta as the recipient or by post to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, P.O. Box 1003, FI-00531 Helsinki.

Processing time

Notification of move

Removal of an extra resident from an apartment

  • 2 months