Submit the move notification in time before moving to ensure that your information is updated as in the Population Information System and that your mail is not interrupted. Please note, the processing time starts from the date of moving.
You can use one notification to enter your address information both in the information system we maintain and, if you wish, in the Posti’s address information system. Submit the move notification at the earliest one month before the date of the move or at the latest one week after the move.
ІНФОРМАЦІЯ ДЛЯ ТИХ, ХТО ПРИЇХАВ З УКРАЇНИ. Зверніть увагу, що з 1 березня 2023 року заявка на постійну прописку в муніципалітеті проживання подається не через форму сповіщення про переїзд, а окремою онлайн-формою. Інструкції для українців | IF YOU HAVE ARRIVED FROM UKRAINE. Please note that the municipality of residence cannot be applied with a notification of change of address but with a separate online form. For more information, please visit here.
Blocking the move notification
You can also block the move notification. In such a case, no one can submit a notification of move for you.
Processing time
Notification of move
- 4 weeks
- The processing time starts from the date of moving.
- When your new address has been registered, you can see it from your personal information at the serviceLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab. Sending multiple notifications about the same move does not expedite the processing of the matter.
- Read more about the processing of the notification of move in the Frequently asked section.
Removal of an extra resident from an apartment
- 2 months