With the Address Service you can find the up-to-date address information by phone for almost everyone living permanently in Finland. The addresses are obtained from the Population Information System.
The addresses can be searched by using a person’s first name and a family name. It's also possible to use a person´s former family name. You can use some other background information about a person as well, for example a date-of-birth, age or a former place of residence.
You will receive the address you asked for if the person has been identified correctly, has not forbidden the disclosure of his/her address and is over 15 years old.
Phone service in Finnish: tel. 0600 0 1000
Phone service in Swedish: tel. 0600 0 1001
Service time: The lines of our phone service are open every day 8 am to 10 pm.
Price: Calls cost € 2.53/min + local network/mobile call rate.
Phone service is only in use in Finland.