VAHTI network develops cyber and digital security
The VAHTI network brings together the management of organisations responsible for developing and steering cyber and digital security as well as experts responsible for digital security. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency is responsible for the network activities.
VAHTI includes
• the management board for digital security in public administration
• a wide network of digital security experts who meet in three working groups
• a network of persons responsible for central government information security
Together, we work for a smoother and more digitally secure society.
Finnish Public Sector Digital Security Management Board (VAHTI)
The VAHTI management board includes public administration authorities and organisations responsible for developing cyber and digital security and providing key services. The management board includes 40 organisations, meets four times a year and organises topical debates.
The management board is tasked with coordinating cooperation, sharing the situational overview on digital security, developing common practices and sharing best practices for developing digital security in public administration. In addition, the board receives reports from the VAHTI working groups on their activities.
VAHTI working groups
The VAHTI working groups bring together experts in cyber and digital security development from both public administration and business life. In the working groups, experts in the field work together, participate in the drafting of current affairs publications, develop their own competence and promote digital security in their organisations.
The working groups include:
• risk management, business continuity, preparedness and readiness development (RIA)
• cyber and digital security development (KYTI)
• data protection development (TIKE)
Representatives of public administration and other actors can participate in the working group activities. The working group meetings are held in an open and transparent manner under the Chatham House RuleLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
You can read more about the working group activities below.
Risk management, business continuity, preparedness and readiness development (RIA)
The purpose of the working group is to develop risk management, business continuity, preparedness and readiness in organisations. As the name suggests, the group examines risk management and various current threats and risks to digital security. The other key area concerns business continuity, which should have a clear link to risk management and vice versa. The working group also participates in the planning of the annual Taisto exercise.
The activities of the working group are aimed not only at risk management or preparedness professionals but everyone willing to learn, maintain their understanding and share their competence. The working group has participated in the preparation of the VAHTI risk management glossary,
VAHTI risk management glossaryFile opens in a new tabyja-document-link-opens-in-a-new-tab, among other things.
Cyber and digital security development (KYTI)
The working group meetings share a situational picture of the digital operating environment and conduct topical discussions on administrative and technical information security. An essential part of the working group activities are different small groups that have been involved in the preparation of VAHTI support materials. Another KYTI small group will be established to develop the competence of personnel and the safety culture of the organisation.
Data protection development (TIKE)
The working group on data protection development consults leading data protection experts, considers the data protection practices of organisations and openly discusses current phenomena. The working group is also known for its annual theme days — from the Autumn Data Protection Event that kicks off the autumn season to the International Data Protection Day Warm-Up at the start of the year. The small groups working under TIKE have been involved in the preparation of various VAHTI support materials and tools.
On 28 January 2025, the TIKE working group received the Vuoden 2024 Tietosuojateko (2024 Data Protection Accomplishment) recognition with the following remarksLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab: "VAHTI has promoted extensive networking for the good of data protection, which has helped produce guides, events and training materials on data protection. The materials have benefited large and especially smaller organisations that do not have large resources for data protection work. The composition of the working group is diverse and covers different data protection roles. It has also provided peer-to-peer support to the network members in assessing solutions for difficult data protection issues and improved awareness of data protection."
By participating, you can
• develop your organisation's cyber and digital security, for example by implementing best practices in your organisation’s operations
• develop your own cyber and digital security expertise
• network with other experts in the field
• discuss and ask questions about topical issues
• receive and provide peer support to your colleagues
• follow exclusive VAHTI network webinars
• receive current bulletins related to VAHTI activities
• develop national cyber and digital security and national resilience
• promote cost-effective, integrated cyber and digital security development.
The working group activities require participation in monthly meetings and working in separate small groups to the degree possible.
Please note:
• Participation in VAHTI activities requires the consent of your supervisor, unless you participate as a private individual.
• Work related to VAHTI activities is considered an official duty or, for other actors, normal work or studies.
• The participating parties are responsible for any travel and other costs incurred by their representatives.
• Compensation is not granted for work related to the working groups.
VAHTI network of persons responsible for central government information security
The network promotes cooperation between persons and organisations responsible for information security in central government. The activities are aimed only at central government organisations, which can separately appoint their representatives to the network.
The tasks of the network include sharing the current situational picture and good practices related to information security. Members of the network can participate in the activities of the VAHTI working groups in the same way as other members of the working groups.
You can register for the network by email at digiturva@dvv.fiyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at digiturva@dvv.fiyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.