Continuing power of attorney, i.e. anticipating the need for support
Why choose to make a continuing power of attorney?
You can anticipate your need for support and prepare a continuing power of attorney in case you later become unable to manage your affairs. The authorisation is recorded in a power of attorney, in which you can name the person who will have the right to manage your affairs. You can also state how your affairs may be managed and specify how the attorney's activities are to be supervised. It is therefore a more flexible and lighter way of organising the management of your affairs for the future than appointing a guardian.
Watch our short video: Continuing power of attorney – when you want to decide for yourself Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
How does the continuing power of attorney work?
Guardian or attorney, are you about to make an annual statement?
You can fill in the annual statement online at the Guardianship e-serviceLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
Adding attachments in the Guardianship e-service is not possible with some Android devices. We are investigating the issue.
If you are preparing the annual statement on paper, please return it the statement and its attachments to this address: Digital and Population Data Services Agency, PO Box 1004, FI-00531 Helsinki. The annual statement is no longer returned to the nearest service location.
See detailed instructions for
Granter: preparing the continuing power of attorney:
In a continuing power of attorney, you appoint a trusted person to manage their affairs. You can prepare a power of attorney in anticipation of no longer able to decide on or manage your affairs.
We recommend asking an expert, such as a legal aid office, a legal aid office, a law firm or a bank's notarial services, to help with drawing up the power of attorney.
Do not submit the power of attorney to us for approval or storage. The attorney will only deliver the power of attorney to us if you are no longer able to manage your affairs.
How to draw up a continuing power of attorney
Make sure that the power of attorney is available to the attorney if becomes necessary to validate it. For example, you can give the power of attorney to the attorney to keep. The power of attorney can also be stored in a bank's safety deposit box. In that case, it is important to ensure that the attorney has access to it.
Do not submit a power of attorney to us to store. The attorney should only deliver it to us if you are no longer able to manage your own affairs.
Attorney: confirmation of the power of attorney:
Only seek confirmation of the authorisation when the granter is no longer able to manage the matters that the authorisation concerns.
You must obtain a medical certificate stating that your granter is no longer able to handle their affairs. Be prepared to show the power of attorney to the physician so that they can ensure that you, as the attorney, have the right to obtain a medical certificate on the granter.
In addition, you must complete the application to confirm a continuing power of attorneyFile opens in a new tabyja-document-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (in Finnish).
Mail the following documents to the following address Digital and Population Data Services Agency / Guardianship Services, PO Box 1004, FI-00531 Helsinki or bring them to one of our service points:
- the application for the confirmation of power of attorneyFile opens in a new tabyja-document-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (in Finnish)
- a medical report
- the original, power of attorney on paper (a copy of the power of attorney or a scan of the power of attorney sent by email is invalid)
- a statement by the granterFile opens in a new tabyja-document-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (in Finnish), if they understand the significance of the authorisation
- a statement by the granter's spouseFile opens in a new tabyja-document-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (in Finnish) if the granter is married.
You do not have to request a statement from the granter or their spouse, but submitting them with the other documents speeds up the processing of your case. We will request any missing statements from the individuals themselves in the course of the proceedings.
Secondary attorney
You can only apply for the confirmation of the authorisation if the primary attorney does not accept the position or steps down from it. Follow the instructions above.
Replacement attorney
You can apply to confirm the authorisation if the attorney is temporarily prevented from performing their duties and the reason for the obstacle is already known. First, make sure that you are not disqualified from performing the task. Follow the instructions above, but note that in principle you do not need to submit a medical certificate.
More frequently asked questions on confirming an authorisation.
As a rule, we process applications in the order of arrival and request further clarifications when necessary. Finally, we will review the possible obstacles to confirming the authorisation and make a decision on the matter.
Our decision will be sent to you by post or email, if you have consented to the decision being sent electronically in the application. In addition, we will return the original continuing power of attorney to you. We will also send the decision to the granter, if they can understand the significance.
Acting as an attorney:
Submit a property inventory of the granter's assets and liabilities within three months of confirming the authorisation. Also report any assets subsequently received by the granter. Such a report must be submitted within one month of receiving the asset. If the granter becomes a shareholder in an estate, submit the estate inventory deed within one month of the estate inventory being completed.
Considerations for acting as a attorney:
- When you represent the granter in financial matters, you must keep a record of the granter's assets, liabilities and transactions during the financial year. However, you do not need to make an annual report to us, unless that is specifically required in the continuing power of attorney.
- If you represent the granter in non-financial matters, you must keep a record of the actions you have taken on behalf of the granter.
- As the attorney, you may only act and represent the granter in matters specified in the power of attorney.
- You are obligated to keep the details of the granter that you receive as the attorney secret, unless otherwise specified in the power of attorney.
Carrying out the tasks of the attorney
A power of attorney may be terminated for following reasons:
- The granter cancels the authorisation before it takes effect
- The granter cancels the authorisation after it has already taken effect
- The granter passes away
- The attorney passes away
- The attorney informs us that they resign
- A guardian has been appointed to the granter.
Read more about what to do in each of these situations on our website.
If you are considering options for taking care of your loved ones, you will find help in an easy guide. There you will find instructions and services that are right for your situation. Go to guide Guardianship or continuing power of attorney in Suomi.fiLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
Using digital services as an attorney with a continuing power of attorney |
If the continuing power of attorney grants you to right to manage financial affairs, you can act on behalf of your granter, for example, in the digital services of the Finnish Tax Administration and Traficom and other services that use Authorizations to check the right to act
Read more: Acting on behalf of a granter of a continuing power of attorneyLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab, web service
The cost for the confirmation of continuing power of attorney is EUR 130.
Starting from 1 January 2025 the cost for the confirmation of continuing power of attorney is EUR 138.
Read more about invoicing.
Processing time for confirming a continuing power of attorney
You can find the average processing times on our website at
Submit all the necessary documents at once to speed up the process. Read our website thoroughly to ensure you have the necessary attachments.
On power of attorney elsewhere
The Alzheimer Society of FinlandLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab, Alzheimer Society of Finland (in Finnish)
Guide to Legal Foresight Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab(pdf), Suomen muistiasiantuntijat ry, (in Finnish; power of attorney template on pages 36-37)
Plan your own life - take care of finances with careLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab Finanssiala, (in Finnish)