Modified data update service
The modified data update service is a service for public administration person registers that automatically updates changes recorded in the Population Information System to official registers. The modified data update service will be in use until the 30th of June 2025. It is replaced by the new PIS modified data interface.
The modified data update service updates customer organisations registers with the changes recorded in the Population Information System at certain intervals. The data can be updated once a day, every week or every two weeks, as required by the customer. Modified data updates can be retrieved either based on the region or personal identity codes.
The service is no longer offered to new customers. Municipalities can still order standardised products, but new registers will no longer be updated through the service.
Checklist before using the service
The data in the Population Information System is not public. Before ordering the service, read more about the prerequisites for using the data.
Follow these instructions
Public administration organisations must apply for a data access authorisation (link) before the commissioning of the modified data update service.
Municipalities, hospital districts and joint municipal authorities have been granted a general data access authorisation for the organisation's official duties. These organisations do not need to apply for an authorisation separately, as the service can be ordered through the e-serviceLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab. When making the order, a report on data protection arrangements and the use of the data must be filled out.
Additional information about the service:
Processing time
The processing time for municipalities' modified data update service's product orders is approximately one week.
Price list
In connection with the commissioning of the modified data update service, the customer is provided with the agreed Population Information System data as a basic data delivery. The basic data delivery is charged as follows:
* PIS data sets' delivery fee €300
* Data from the Population Information System €0.011 per data unit
If the order size exceeds 2,900,000 data units, the fee is €0.006 per data unit.
The Digital and Population Data Services Agency also charges the costs incurred by the use of a technical partner separately.
After the basic data delivery, the use of the service is free for central and local government authorities. Other customers are charged as follows:
- Modified data updates' data unit price is €0.036 per data unit.
Customer-specific additions or modifications are not part of the standardised service. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency also charges the costs incurred by the use of a technical partner separately.
The price of a copy of a previously delivered data set is €60.
Links to Acts
Laki väestötietojärjestelmästä ja Digi- ja väestötietoviraston varmennepalveluistaLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (661/2009), Act on the Population Information System and the Certificate Services of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency
See also
New PIS modified data interface service
Technical structure of modified data updates: Personal data (PDF)
Technical structure of modified data updates: Building data (PDF)
Descriptions of municipal information packages (PDF)