Population information in the Population Information System
The Finnish Population Information System is a computerised national register that contains basic information about Finnish citizens and foreign citizens residing in Finland on a permanent or temporary basis. Also recorded is information about buildings, construction projects, residences and real estate.
Check your data!
You can check your personal data in the Population Information System from the Personal Data service. You can find your current personal data, name history information and property and building ownership information on the service. You can also check your residential history data saved in the Population Information System.
If your personal data contains mistakes, you can correct your own given name, occupation, email address, native language and communication language. In other cases, please contact our customer service by phone at 0295 536 220 or visit a service location.
Contact us
Telephone service
Telephone service number is 0295 536 220.
Service hours:
- Mon-Fri 9-15
Use secure email, if your message contains personal or otherwise confidential information. Choose this address as the recipient: vaestotiedot@dvv.fi
Send secure emailLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab