Information about certificates

We produce certificates for citizens, organisations, as well as the social welfare and healthcare sector. Certificates are needed for identification, encryption and electronic signatures in information networks. Conventional personal identification methods are not possible on online services.

FINeID stands for FINnish electronic IDentity. FINeID refers to electronic identification of individuals using digital certificates.

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s certificate system is based on Public Key Infrastructure, or PKI. Electronic identification of persons enables citizens to use online services safely, flexibly and regardless of the time and place. The system facilitates data security and privacy protection, which is a basic right of citizens and an absolute requirement for organisations offering online services. We offer our CA services for the use of public sector services as well as private and organisational sector services.

In addition to the citizen certificate, we also provide certificates for organisations. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency is currently the only Finnish certification service provider licensed to issue qualified certificates that meet statutory requirements, are based on the EU directive and feature high data security and correct identifications. All ID certificates issued by us are qualified certificates, and are published in a public directory.

In accordance with the Act on Strong Electronic Identification and Electronic Signatures, we also provide identification services when producing certificate-based identification tools. Qualified certification authorities and providers of strong electronic ID services are monitored in Finland by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.