The interoperability platform maintained by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency provides tools for defining interoperable data content. The platform consists of the glossaries, code sets and data models needed for data flows and in other areas of information management.

The interoperability platform is intended for both public administration and the private sector. The platform tools are available free of charge for terminology work, the management of code sets and data modelling. Data content producers are responsible for their own data specifications and their quality, and for keeping them up to date.

You can also use the data specifications that exist on the interoperability platform. Using existing code sets and data models in your own system development is cost-effective and improves interoperability between the systems of different actors. The consistent use of concepts makes services easier to plan and understand.


Key concepts

Interoperability method

The interoperability method will help you create and maintain the semantic interoperability of information, or data processing where the meaning data in data flows remains the same.

The interoperability method contains the principles and operating models by which data content is produced for the interoperability platform. Central to this are the uniformity and reuse of data specifications describing data content: maximum use is made of the existing glossaries, code sets and data models.

Instead of a situation where each organisation determines, for example, the concept of a ‘person’ and the information related to it, the description is produced for the interoperability platform only once. After that, other users can refer to the description and apply it. Technically speaking, the descriptions of glossaries, code sets and data models imported into the interoperability platform are linked data, or specific online resources with their own permanent code that can be referred to from elsewhere.

Terminologies tool

The Terminologies tool is a maintenance and publication application for glossaries and concepts intended for terminology glossaries. A terminology glossary is a glossary that contains information on specialised concepts and their designations.

Terminologies toolLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

Reference Data tool

Reference Data tool is a nationwide shared maintenance and publication application for code sets and classifications. You can browse the content of the Reference Data tool and use the code sets that you need. The content is used as the value sets needed in semantic data models.

Reference Data toolLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

Data Vocabularies Tool

The Data Vocabularies Tool is a maintenance and publication service for semantic data models. It contains common data specifications (core vocabularies) for the harmonisation of data. The tool is also used for such purposes as the managing of data content in interfaces or data repositories. These general data components are used in descriptions made for specific purposes, such as in the presentations of data content in interfaces or data repositories.

Data Vocabularies Tool Link to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

Interested in joining the interoperability platform?

Complete the application for access rightsLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

  • The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will grant the access rights to the administrator named in the application for access rights.

  • The administrator will grant access rights to other users (data modellers, code set employees and glossary employees).

  • The data modellers, code set employees and the glossary employees create/transfer data from your organisation to the platform tools.


Frequently asked questions