For media
Need help finding material or the right person to interview?
Contact the Finnish Digital Agency’s Communications Department. Media Service from Monday to Friday at 9 am to 4 pm tel. 0295 535 060 or e-mail dvv.viestinta(at)
Here you will find more specific contact details for the communications department.
NOTE! The Media Helpdesk and email do not answer questions from personal and organisational customers.
If you would like your case to be processed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency or if you have a question about a pending case, please contact us:
Media Bank
The media bank’s images can be used in connection with articles about our activities. The images or our logo are not intended for commercial purposes. Click on the image to download a larger file.
How to submit a data request for journalistic purposes
When you need information related to names or other population information for journalistic purposes, you can submit a request for data sampling (data request).
As the Digital and Population Data Services Agency is not a statistical authority, we do not regularly produce ready-to-use statistics. Instead, we tailor data sampling for the media on a case-by-case basis.
Our statistical material cannot be directly compared with the material produced by other organisations. The differences are caused by the date of the sampling and the restricting criteria used, among other things. The official statistical authority in Finland is Statistics Finland.
You can familiarise yourself with the Population Information System and the information contained in it.
- Population Information System
- personal data datamodels in the Population Information System Click the blue Maximise button next to the model on the right side of the page. (mostly in Finnish)
- building data datamodels in the Population Information System Click the blue Maximise button next to the model on the right side of the page. (mostly in Finnish)
Your will find our ready-to-use data material at
- Name service
- Open data website (mostly in Finnish)
- The most popular children’s names by year 2011– (in Finnish)
The sampled data is usually delivered as Excel files. The delivery time depends of the amount of work and the work situation, and will be estimated in connection with the order.
Select the type of sampling
If the information to be delivered in the sampling for journalistic purposes contains personal data (e.g. names, addresses), you must apply for a customer-specific data access authorisation. For example, this includes contact details for interviewing persons with milestone birthdays in a newspaper’s delivery area. Based on the application for data access authorisation, a one-off authorisation or a continuous authorisation may be granted. An order submitted on the basis of a continuous authorisation will be delivered within about 5 days.
You can obtain a customer-specific data access authorisation through our partners. Read more about our partners here (in Finnish). For enquiries about the price of sampling work ordered from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s partners, contact the partners directly.
You can also apply directly to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency for a data access authorisation. The processing time for an authorisation is currently at least 2–4 weeks. In this case, contact the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s Communications Department ([email protected] or +358 295 535 060).
When the sampling for journalistic purposes has been ordered directly from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the price of the work is formed as follows: €100/beginning hour + €0.023 €/data unit + €9 invoicing fee (VAT 0%).
If the required information does not include personal data in which individual persons can be directly identified (e.g. it only contains the number of people), contact the Data Services Agency’s Communications Department ([email protected] or +358 295 535 060). We will determine the feasibility, extent and delivery schedule of the request together.
The price of data sampling work for journalistic purposes is formed as follows: €100/beginning hour + €0.023 €/data unit + €9 invoicing fee (VAT 0%). The amount of work and the price based on it is estimated in connection with the order.
Think about the following matters before submitting the data sampling request
- subject of the data request
- the time period on which you need the data
- restrictions (e.g. geographical area)
- classifications (e.g. age group, gender)
- the required form of the data (e.g. number of persons, percentages)
- timetable
- the media publishing the information
- email address for delivering the information
- invoicing details.
Example: You are writing an article on the occurrence of the name Pietari in Pietarsaari in different times.
- Subject: Occurrence of the name Pietari
- Time period: 1900–2020
- Restrictions: In Pietarsaari, as first given name
- Form: number per decade, men/women separately for gender-neutral names
- Timetable: The article will be published in two weeks’ time
- Media
- Address: [email protected]
- Invoicing details
Example: You are writing an article on couples who got married on a leap day
- Subject: Couples married on a leap day
- Time period: previous 3 leap days
- Restrictions: still married
- Form: number of couples, not persons
- Timetable: not determined
- Media
- Address: [email protected]
Henkilötietojen luovuttaminen väestötietojärjestelmästä on aina harkinnanvaraista. Yksityishenkilöstä voidaan kuitenkin luovuttaa henkilötietoja (kuten nimi, osoite, syntymäpaikka ja -aika) todistuksena väestötietojärjestelmästä tai osoitepalvelusta.
Todistus väestötietojärjestelmästä
Todistuksella väestötietojärjestelmästä voidaan luovuttaa tietoja yksityishenkilöstä. Digi- ja väestötietovirasto arvioi jokaisen pyynnön tapauskohtaisesti ja selvittää, onko tieto voimassa olevan lain mukaan luovutettavissa. Pyynnön perusteella tarkistetaan esimerkiksi mahdolliset tietojenluovutuskiellot.
Väestötietojärjestelmään rekisteröityjä tietoja voi tiedustella Digi- ja väestötietovirastosta lähettämällä pyynnön sähköpostilla osoitteeseen [email protected]. Kirjoita sähköpostin aiheeksi ”kiireellinen toimittajan pyyntö”.
Pyynnöstä pitää käydä ilmi
kuka tilaa ja mihin käyttötarkoitukseen (käyttötarkoitus kannattaa kuvata mahdollisimman tarkasti)
kenestä henkilöstä pyydetään tietoja (nimi, syntymäaika, osoite tms. riittävät yksilöintiedot)
mitä tietoja pyydetään (nimi, elossaolo, osoite, syntymäaika tms.)
julkaistaisiinko pyydetyt tiedot sellaisenaan vai ovatko tiedot osa toimituksellista tausta-aineistoa
miten pyydetyt tiedot ovat tarpeellisia toimituksellisessa käyttötarkoituksessa
laskutusosoite ja y-tunnus
Tarvittaessa pyydämme lisätietoja, jotta voimme arvioida, onko pyydetty tieto lain mukaan luovutettavissa.
Jos tietojen luovutuksen edellytykset täyttyvät, tiedot luovutetaan maksullisella todistuksella väestötietojärjestelmästä (alkaen 23 euroa / todistus).
Tarkista todistuksen hinta (Löytyy sivulta kohdasta: hinta / muu kuin itsepalvelu).
Voit kysyä osoitetietoja henkilön etu- ja sukunimen perusteella Digi- ja väestötietoviraston osoitepalvelusta. Sukunimi voi olla myös entinen. Palvelussa on lähes kaikkien Suomessa vakinaisesti asuvien henkilöiden ajantasaiset osoitteet. Palvelun tiedot perustuvat Digi- ja väestötietoviraston ylläpitämän väestötietojärjestelmän tietoihin.
Tarkentavina hakuehtoina voit käyttää muun muassa henkilön ikää, syntymäaikaa ja nykyistä tai entistä kotikuntaa.
Osoitetiedot yksilöidystä ja yksiselitteisesti tunnistetusta henkilöstä saa puhelimitse, jos henkilö, jonka tietoja kysytään, on täyttänyt 15 vuotta eikä hän ole kieltänyt osoitteensa luovuttamista.
Yhteystiedot ja hinta
Osoitepalvelu palvelee numerossa 0600 0 1000 joka päivä (ma-su) klo 8–22.
Puhelun hinta on 2,50 euroa/minuutti + pvm/mpm, jonotus pvm/mpm.
- Individuals
- Processing times
- Marriage
- Having or adopting a child
- Names
- Moving
- Guardianship
- Life changes while living abroad
- Moving while living abroad
- Registration of a child born abroad
- Marriage concluded abroad
- Partnership registered abroad
- Divorce granted abroad
- Registration of a name change performed abroad
- Gender recognised abroad
- Death abroad
- Registration of citizenship
- Notification of retaining Finnish citizenship
- Legalisation of foreign documents
- Submitting foreign documents
- As a foreigner in Finland
- Registration of a foreigner
- Guide for students
- Municipality of residence
- Family relationships and Marital Status
- Instructions on arriving in Finland from Ukraine
- Guide for employed persons
- Fast track service for specialists and growth entrepreneurs
- Instructions for legalisation
- Submitting foreign documents
- Foreigner’s move to Finland, in Finland and out of Finland
- Check your own personal details
- Elections and Right to vote
- Web Service
- Citizen Certificate and electronic identity
- Certificates from the Population Information System
- Population information in the Population Information System
- Registration of a gift notification
- Services of notary public
- Certification of purchase
- Citizens’ initiative
- Death and estate inventory
- Public Service Info
- Address service
- Forms
- Digital support for citizens
- Organisations
- Certificates
- For social welfare and healthcare service providers
- For organisations
- Electronic sealing service
- Timestamping Service
- Electronic signature
- Service certificates
- Advisory service, support and revocation service
- Certificate Directory
- Test the use of a certificate
- Card Reader Software
- Information about certificates
- Population information services for organisations
- Public administration sampling and updating service
- Private sector information services
- PIS modified data interface
- Modified data update service
- Population Information System query interface
- Browser-based Population Information System query
- Resident selection service
- Selection service for municipalities
- Reform of personal identity code
- Conditions for using population information
- Selection service for wellbeing services counties
- Maintaining the Population Information System
- Extracts from registers
- services
- Services to promote digitalisation
- Digital support
- Digital security services
- Services of notary public
- Certification of purchase
- Right to officiate weddings
- E-services
- Finnish Authenticator identification service
- Certificates
- About the agency
- Digital and Population Data Services Agency
- Digital and Population Data Services Agency as an Employer
- Use our services electronically
- Contact
- Customer service for private customers
- Customer service for organisations
- Service locations
- Digital and Population Data Services Agency address, switchboard e-billing details
- Digital and Population Data Services Agency Management
- Marriage ceremony premises information
- Contact details for media
- International Affairs
- Invoicing
- Quality policy
- Equality plan for customers
- Data protection
- News
- Population Information System
- For media
- Brochures and publications
- Projects
- Foresight and research cooperation