Quality Tools
With the Suomi.fi Quality Tools, an organisation can assess and monitor the quality and use of its services.
Quality Tools help the development teams of electronic services to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their digital service and develop the service to work more smoothly. Quality Tools are a commensurable solution that all operators can use. The tools give operators a way to compare their service with others’ and to improve knowledge-based management.
Assessment Tool
The Assessment Tool includes a national set of criteria that organisations can use to evaluate their own digital services.
Customer Feedback Tool
With the Customer Feedback Tool, an organisation can request customers to give feedback on an e-service directly after having used the service.
Utilisation Rate Measurement Tool
The Utilisation Rate Tool indicates the productivity of an organisation’s activities and offers an opportunity to measure and develop services.
Deploying the service is easy, and the tools are free
Using the Suomi.fi Quality Tools is free of charge for organisations. The implementation requires access rights to the Suomi.fi Finnish Service Catalogue (PTV), as Quality Tools are included in the Finnish Service Catalogue as part of the described services or service channels. Organisations that already have access right to the Suomi.fi Finnish Service Catalogue do not need separate rights for using Quality Tools. Using Quality Tools is voluntary and free of charge, but each organisation is responsible for the possible costs resulting from the introduction of the service.
Watch Quality Tools video presentation
Do the following
Familiarise yourself with the service and start using it in Suomi.fi Service Management. All instructions related to the use of the Quality Tools can be found in the Support and customer service section of Suomi.fi Service Management.
Public administration and private sector actors can use the Quality Tools free of charge. However, the customer organisation will bear all costs resulting from the introduction of the service.