Property inventory at the start of guardianship

Inform us if the minor’s property exceeds EUR 20,000 without deducting any possible debts.

Do the following 

1. Report the information on a minor’s property for the day when the minor’s assets exceeded EUR 20,000.

If you are not the sole guardian of a minor, submit the notification together with the other guardian. For an online report, you will need written consent from the other guardian, which must be attached to the notification.

The forms can be used in Finnish or Swedish language.

Report a minor's property (in Finnish)

Authenticate using online banking credentials or mobile certificate.

Are you unable to attend to the matter online?

You can also report a minor's property by filling in a form and submitting the documents on paper to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, PO Box 1004, FI-00531 Helsinki.

Report of a minor's property (pdf, in Finnish)

2. Prepare the property inventory in the Guardianship e-service.

You can prepare and send the property inventory online in the guardianship e-service when we have registered the minor's information. The service will guide you with each step. If you wish, you can save the property inventory as incomplete and complete it later. The service can be used in Finnish or Swedish language.

Guardianship e-service

Authenticate using online banking credentials or mobile certificate.

Are you unable to attend to the matter online?

You can also prepare a property inventory by filling in a form and submitting the documents to us on paper.

Property inventory of a minor (in Finnish, pdf)

Instructions for preparing a property inventory (in Finnish)

Please send us copies of the documents and receipts required as attachments to the property inventory. Keep the original documents for yourself. 

Also remember to keep the information you provided, as we will not return the inventory or its attachments. For example, you will need information from the inventory when you are preparing your first annual statement.  

Do not use staples, clips, plastic pockets, etc., because the documents will be scanned. Please note that we no longer accept folders.

Return the completed inventory and its attachments to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, PO Box 1004, FI-00531 Helsinki. 

Did you already submit an inventory, but forgot to add something in it?

You can complete it yourself with an online form.

Send addition

Authenticate using online banking credentials or mobile certificate.

Do you need help?

Read the frequently asked questions about guardianship of a minor.

Telephone service: 0295 536 256.

Service hours: Mon–Fri 9–15. 

Customer service for family relations and custodian information regarding minors recorded in the Finnish Population information System visit our website.