What is the revised eIDAS Regulation?

The eIDAS Regulation establishes the electronic identification means, electronic signatures and other trust services for electronic transactions. The new eIDAS Regulation entered into force on 20 May 2024. The revision expands the previous eIDAS Regulation and enables the use of European digital identity wallets.

Technical implementing acts supplementing the regulation are currently under preparation and will be adopted in two parts during 2024 and 2025. The first step is to adopt implementing acts on the wallet. EU Member States must provide a digital identity wallet that meets the requirements of the regulation no later than two years after the technical implementing acts have been finalised.

The new eIDAS Regulation is a significant step towards a more integrated and secure digital single market in the EU. The goal is to promote cross-border electronic transactions and increase trust in electronic services.

EU countries to adopt European digital identity wallets

With the revision of the eIDAS Regulation, citizens and residents of EU countries will be able to start using a digital identity wallet that will run as a mobile application. The wallet application will allow individuals to, among other things, identify themselves and to present verified personal data in both public and private services. The user of the wallet will manage their own information and decide whether to share it.

The digital identity wallets will be usable in all EU countries, and they will work the same way in all countries. This has been ensured by using a shared reference architecture, which guarantees cross-border interoperability and trust. High security standards, stronger authentication methods and improved privacy protection will increase trust in electronic transactions. 

Each EU country will adopt one or more wallets that can be used throughout the EU.

The effects of the revised eIDAS Regulation in brief:

  • Interoperable digital identity wallets at EU level.
  • Harmonised use of trust services throughout the EU.
  • Improved usability and awareness through common procedures.
  • Uniform implementation across the EU.
  • Simplified procedures and reduced administrative burdens, which facilitates compliance with corporate and government regulations.
  • Citizens will have better control over the disclosure of (personal) data
  • Only the user can monitor the use of their own wallet.