Document publicity

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency maintains a description of its information management procedures. The information is kept in data repositories and case registers.

The main purpose of this description is to help customers of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency in the making of information requests. The description helps you to specify the information that you need so that the agency can find, compile and deliver the data as quickly and comprehensively as possible. If necessary, we will help you to specify the information you would like to access so that you can get the right documents.

By maintaining this description, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency observes the principle of openness in public administration.

Information that you can access

You have a statutory right to obtain information about official documents and matters processed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

  • You always have the right to access information contained in public documents processed by public authorities.
  • You always have the right to access documents containing information about you.
  • A public authority must also provide you with access to a non-public document if the matter processed by the public authority in question concerns you rights, interests or obligations.
  • In specific cases, you also have the right to access secret documents.

Provisions on these rights are laid down in the Act on the Openness of Government Activities. You can request the information you would like to access by making a request for information. For instructions, go to making a request for information.

Check your own personal data

You have the right to check your personal data kept in the registers of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. However, this right, which is based on the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU, only applies to your own personal data.

If you do not need a specific document but would like to check the information on you that is kept in the registers of a public authority, you can make a request to review the information.

You can check your personal data kept in the Population Information System on the personal data page of the Web ServiceLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.