Foresight and research cooperation

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency engages in foresight and future forecasting as well as cooperation with research and higher education. We work in cooperation with different stakeholders, higher education institutions, research institutes, research projects and thesis writers in Finland and internationally. 

Cooperation with researchers and universities helps us examine the phenomena related to the digitalisation and development of public services, and the future. Multidisciplinary cooperation supports the operation of the Agency and the development of the services and promotes a more smoothly functioning Finland. We are interested in all research information and proposals for cooperation concerning the Agency and its administrative branch, such as theses and research projects. 

Foresight and responsibility 

Future forecasting supports the Agency’s activities and preparedness. In addition to ouroperating environment as a whole, we examine especially the development of digitalisation, the societal impacts of digitalisation and societal trends in the medium term (3–10 years) and in the long term (more than 10 years). Our team is also responsible for themes related to the responsibility of emerging technologies and the ethics of artificial intelligence and data.

We make diverse use of foresight methods and develop new practices in cooperation with the Agency's personnel and stakeholders. You can learn more about our insights in our events or reading reports we have published. Our publications and events have been compiled on this page.

Contact us

Are you writing a thesis on a topic that we are interested in? Would you like to discuss our themes in more detail? Ask for additional information, give feedback, propose cooperation or invite a speaker. 

Specialists in foresight and research cooperation:

  • Joonas Aitonurmi, Senior Specialist

Specialist in responsibility of emerging technologies and ethics of data and artificial intelligence: 

  • Marko Latvanen, Chief Senior Specialist

The form of our email addresses is

Sujuva Suomi events

About four times a year, we organise a Sujuva Suomi (“Smoothly running Finland”) event in Finnish, in which we conduct multi-voiced and versatile discussions on the different topical phenomena taking place in the field of digitalisation.

Register for future events and watch the recordings of past events


Digihumaus reports

  • The Digihumaus report presents development proposals that could be used to respond to the societal challenges of the near future by making better use of existing and new technologies and by developing administrative practices.

Weak threats and strong opportunities for digitalisation

  • Weak threats signal potential adverse events or trends. The article series Weak threats and strong opportuni-ties for digitalisation examine the foreseeable threats of digitalisation each year and convert them into op-portunities. The articles also present the annual Tensions in digitalisation.

Guide: Using AI responsiblyLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

See also

Design for GovernmentLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

  • Students from Aalto University studied the life events of a dignified old age in cooperation with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and the Ministry of Finance. 

Data Ethics Decision Aid (DEDA)Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

  • The Digital and Population Data Services Agency localised the DEDA tool of Utrecht University's Data School in cooperation with the REPAIR Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tabresearch consortium. The DEDA tool can be used especially in public service data projects to support ethical discussion and responsible choices and to support in decision-making, questions of responsibility and documentation of competences.