Certification of purchase
If you are buying, selling, giving as a gift or exchanging immovable property, you will need the services of a public purchase witness, an attesting notary.
If you are buying, selling, giving as a gift or exchanging immovable property, such as a plot, you will need the services of a public purchase witness, an attesting notary. The attesting notary will certify the transfer of the property.
In some situations, you can sign a deed of sale in the electronic service of the National Land Survey of Finland instead of using an attesting notary.
When the property is transferred, both parties and the attesting notary must be present at the same time. The attesting notary will verify the identity of the parties and confirm that the deed of transfer is formally correct. The parties will then sign the deed of transfer in at least three copies.
Do the following
Digital and Population Data Services Agency always ensures certification of purchase at their location
You can also search for a public purchase witness in the National Land Survey'sLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (in Finnish and Swedish) purchase witness search for purchases taking place elsewhere.
Make an appointment with the attesting notary in advance
- by email: Use the secure mail of the agency to send the email so that your data remains encrypted. Select julkinen.notaari@dvv.fi as the recipient in the secure mail. Send the email as a secure emailLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
- by phone: Ask for a purchase witness at 0295 536 000 (DVV switchboard).
Both parties have to be present when the certification of the purchase takes place or a person authorised to represent a party must present a special power of attorney
- The attesting notary will verify the identity of the parties and confirm that the deed of transfer is formally correct.
- After this, the parties sign the deed of transfer in at least three copies.
check the valid real estate unit identifier from the most recent decision on real estate tax
draw the deed of sale or have it drawn up in at least 3 copies.
if the seller is the estate of a deceased person and the title to the real estate has not been registered to the shareholders of the estate, bring with you the estate inventory deed, including the reports of family relationships, and the extracts from the population register of all of the shareholders of the estate.
if one of the parties is a company, you must present the company extract from the trade register and the possible decision on selling the real estate, made by one of the company’s decision-making bodies.
Key terms
Immovable property i.e. real property
A built or unbuilt area of land or water. In the Finnish system, everything that is not immovable property is movable property.
Registration of title to property
The proprietary right to real estate is registered by applying for the registration of title to the property.
Special power of attorney
Not a general power of attorney, but one in which the authorisation is specified in detail.
Frequently asked questions
No. The attesting notary will check that the deed of sale fulfils the minimum criteria set for deeds of sale.
You can agree with the attesting notary on sending the deed of sale to him or her in advance, if necessary.
There are public purchase witnesses (attesting notaries) at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, for example. The National Land Survey of Finland maintains a register of all public purchase witnessesLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (in Finnish).