Check out our partner stories!
- Partner stories: The digital support network in Järvenpää now takes support to where it is most neededLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
- Partner stories: Competency profiles complement a digital support provider’s toolboxLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
- Partner stories: Strengthening the multicultural skills of digital service advisersLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
Tell us of any excellent materials you know for developing digital support expertise!
The digital support material bank is seeking more content that works in digital support work.
If you or your organisation have produced materials that are also suitable for other digital support providers and you would like to share the material with others, please contact us by email at digituki[at] and tell us more about it.
Our aim is to produce up-to-date and evaluated material for the use of digital support providers. In addition, we support the competence of digital support providers by compiling and publishing learning and support materials in the Digital Support Material Bank. To ensure that the material bank is as clear and up-to-date as possible, we have prepared the methods and criteria for publishing digital support materials together with digital support providers.
You - digital actors - regularly produce good and necessary material related to digital support. Let's work together to make the digital support run smoothly!
Our event calendar allows you to prepare for digital support events in autumn 2023
When planning future activities, have a look at our updated event calendar, where you can find the dates for events that will take place over the remainder of the year. More information and the registration links will be available in the Digital Support Events section of our website closer to the event’s date.
Digitukiteko recognition award of 2023 to the Remote support service for the deaf-blind people
Together with an expert panel, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency has awarded the Remote support service for the deaf-blind people, The Finnish Deafblind Association, in 2023 with the Digitukiteko recognition award. Of the 31 proposals, also an honourable mention was awarded to the Ikääntyvien laitelainaamo (aids to borrow for the elderly) of the Vanhusten Turva foundation and the Verkko haltuun project (about digital skills and inclusion) of Oulun Kehitysvammaisten Tuki ry.
Read more in our press release
Photo: the representatives of the winner of the Digitukiteko recognition award and those awarded with an honorary mention. The award was rewarded to the remote support service for the Finnish Deafblind Association, and an honourable mention was given to the Verkko haltuun project (digital skills and inclusion) of Oulun Kehitysvammaisten Tuki ry and the device loan service by the Vanhusten Turva foundation.
Digital skills recommendations of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency: What do we need to know to keep up with today’s society?
The purpose of the digital skills recommendations is to define what kind of digital skills are needed to enable people to manage their own affairs and participate in society. Skills identified to be important include managing one's own affairs in digital services and competence related to identification.
Digital Skills Week is here again!
Perspectives and discussions on the digital competence of Finns from 8 to 12 May 2023.
The glossary of digital support development and networking gives digital support providers a common language
The new glossary for the development of digital support and networking was made to support the work of digital support providers to enable joint development of digital support and using the same terminology to discuss it.
Specialists Piia Niilola and Heta Aho from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency describe the purpose and demand for the glossary as well as its collection on their shared blog.
Read the blog and see the glossaryLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
Digital Skills Report 2022: How do Finns keep up with digital development?
According to the recent Digital Skills Report, 79% of Finns have good digital skills, and as many as 84% feel that they will keep up to date with digitalisation in the coming years. Nonetheless, even skilled people often need support in using digital devices and services.
Read also:
Ministry of Finance: Priority of e-services requires digital support and the development of digital skillsLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (15 February 2023, in Finnish)
- 2.12.2022 — Finnish people are keeping up with digital development, but we must have digital support
- 10.12.2021 — Confusing digital service increases the need for digital support: new recommendations encourage investments in quality
- 3.12.2021 — Financing provided to make digital support a permanent service for citizens and businesses
- 30.8.2021 — We are not born with digital skills - youth need more support in the digital world
- 4.8.2021 — In the Digital Support Week the superpower of the future is discussed - it is worth increasing everyday digital skills!