Digital support working groups
Digital support is developed by network-based cooperation between different digital support actors and the digital support service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Digital support is provided and developed extensively by municipalities, public actors, organisations, different projects and companies.
The digital support service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency is supported by two cross-administrative working groups that, for their part, guide the realisation of the objectives of digital support and ensure its customer-oriented development:
- Working group on customer-oriented development of digital support, term of office 2022
- Reference group for digital support providers, term of office 2022
Working group on customer-oriented development of digital support:
A working group that supports customer-oriented development of digital support, which aims to:
- Support the digital support service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency in achieving the objectives of customer-oriented development.
- Increase understanding of the digital competence of different digital support target groups and their need for digital support.
- Participate in the validation of the permanent digital support operating model in respect of customer orientation.
Members of the working group (term of office 2022):
- Jussi Karhunen, Head of Development, Finance Finland
- Inka Kiuru, Media Education Specialist, Mannerheim League for Child Welfare
- Minna Kuitunen, Service Manager, Digital and Population Data Services Agency / Public Service Info
- Maiju Kyytsönen, Researcher, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
- Marko Latvanen, Senior Specialist, Digital and Population Data Services Agency
- Iida Laurila, Advocacy Specialist, Union of Local Youth Councils in Finland
- Joonas Mikkilä, Digital and Educational Affairs Manager, Federation of Finnish Enterprises
- Merja Niemelä, Interaction Coordinator, City of Oulu
- Piia Niilola, Project Manager, Finnish Blue Ribbon
- Pia Puolakka, Project Manager, Criminal Sanctions Agency
- Erja Saarinen, Senior Specialist, SOSTE
- Sari Vapaavuori, Development Manager, VALLI Union for Senior Services (and its Gerontechnology Centre)
- Viljami Wiirilinna, Administrative Coordinator, Finnish Association of Adult Education Centres
Further information: Minna Piirainen,
Reference group for digital support providers
The aim of the digital support reference group, or the working group for developing the competence of digital supporters, is to:
- Support the digital support service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency in developing the competence of digital supporters.
- Provide information on the needs and wishes related to the competence development of different digital supporter target groups.
- Ensure the correct targeting and measures of support and competence needed for digital support.
Members of the reference group
- Mia Hakulinen, Project Manager, Savon yrittäjät ry
- Aulikki Kannala, Account Manager, Tax Administration
- Mika Kataikko, Project Manager, City of Jyväskylä
- Louna Kiuru, Customer Service Manager, Finnish Patent and Registration Office
- Artem Kuosti, Project Manager, Moniheli ry / DigiUp project
- Heidi Kähkönen, Chief Technology Officer, Fiksari
- Pasi Kangas, Media Education Coordinator, Lahti City Library
- Krista Masri, Service Manager, Helsinki-info
- Tuula Närvä, Senior Coordinator, Kela
- Ulla-Maija Paukkeri, Development Specialist, Oulunkaaren kuntayhtymä
- Nina Rahja, Project Specialist, City of Vantaa
- Jenni Uusalo, Service Adviser, Digital and Population Data Services Agency
- Pekka Vartiainen, Organisation Coordinator, Central Association of Finnish Pensioners / Verkosta virtaa
Further information: Mirva Gullman,