Notarisation of the authenticity of a signature

You need the services of a notary public when you need the authenticity of your signature officially certified.

Do the following

  1. Book an appointment with a public notary

    You must visit the Digital and Population Data Services Agency personally and sign the document in the presence of a notary public.

    Please note, that the notary public will not act as a witness for wills or continuing powers of attorney.


    Bring with you the document and your passport or ID card. Please note that a driving licence is not an official identity card. 

  2. A note confirming the authenticity of you signature will be recorded on the document and the notary public will sign the document


The notarisation of the authenticity of your signature costs EUR 18 per signature.

Processing time

If the notary public is available, they will notarise the authenticity of your signature while you wait.

This is how you get the document:

The document will be mailed to you.

Do you want to invite someone to Finland? Get an invitation for a visa this way: 

A) If you commit to paying the travel expenses of the person you are inviting, you will need a maintenance commitment for the visa. You can get it like this:

  1. Print the PDF form (Proof of sponsorship form) from the Ministry of Foreign Affair’s website Visa to visit Finland - Ministry for Foreign Affairs ( to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab or at address Finland Visa ApplicationLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab. Fill in the form but do not sign it yet. 

  2. Come and sign the form at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Book an appointment with a Notary Public. Bring the completed form and proof of identity. There will be a fee for the notarisation of authenticity of the signature. 

Book an appointment Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

B) If you do not commit to paying their travel expenses, do one of two things: 

  • Draft a free-form letter of invitation using the instructions provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

  • Ask us for a ready-made invitation form without a maintenance commitment. The form costs €2. 

The signature for these invitations does not need to be notarised as authentic. However, if you want your signature to be notarised as authentic, make an appointment. There will be a fee for the notarisation of authenticity of the signature. 

Additional information: You can find instructions on how to apply for a visa at the website above. 

Frequently asked questions

Notary public

Book an appointment

Book an appointment to notary public


Please use secure email if your message contains personal or otherwise confidential information. Please choose as the recipient.

Send secure emailLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab


Telephone service number is +358 295 536 404

Service hours Mon–Fri 915.

If you need a public purchase witness, you can search for one on the website of the National Land Survey of FinlandLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

Service locations

Addresses of the service locations