Services promoting digitalisation

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency promotes the digitalisation of society and electronic services in Finland. We are also responsible for tasks in the implementation and planning of support for the interoperability, data security, and enterprise architecture of data management in the digitalisation development of public administration.

Our service design team helps public administration organisations that need support in improving the  customer orientation of the organisation or its services and its strategic reform.

We also coordinate the national digital support network Our aim is for everyone in Finland to have the same opportunities to use digital services and, when necessary, to get help in the use of e-services flexibly and at a time that is best for them. Digital services and digital skills are for everyone.

We maintain an interoperability platform. The interoperability method will help you create and maintain the semantic interoperability of information, i.e. data processing where meaning in flows of data remains the same. The consistent use of concepts makes services easier to plan and understand. Using existing code sets and data models in your own system development is cost-effective and improves interoperability between the systems of different actors.

We provide tools that promote digitalisation for public administration’s use, such as the Project Portfolio, a service for the management of large ICT projects. 

We produce expert services for the Information Management Board operating in connection with the Ministry of Finance. Principal tasks include participating in the work of the Board’s sections and in preparation of recommendations as well as supporting the Board with its functions.

To steer and manage the development of government digitalisation, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency forms a situational picture of data management for public administration by compiling information from studies and evaluations on public administration data management, the management of data, information security, and e-transaction services. The data is used as a knowledge base for the supervision of government digitalisation development and in the services of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and other organisations that produce shared services.