PIS modified data interface
The PIS modified data interface is suitable for updating large public administration person registers. The service is particularly suitable for situations in which keeping data up to date is important. The PIS modified data interface will replace the modified data update service by the 30th of June 2025.
The PIS modified data interface is used to update organisations’ registers with changes recorded in the population data. The customer can choose the update interval of the data. Due to the flexible update interval, keeping the data up to date is also more efficient than in the previous modified data update service. For example, the update interval can be once a day.
Data can be retrieved from the PIS modified data interface using several different criteria:
- Personal data can be retrieved by personal identity codes.
- Municipalities, hospital districts and joint municipal authorities can retrieve personal data updates by the municipality.
- The authorities that keep a national register can have their own customised retrieval criteria for updating personal data.
In connection with the commissioning of the service, the agreed basic data on all persons in the register will be relayed to the customer organisation's register.
Test interface
To demonstrate and test the PIS modified data interface, a so-called sandbox websiteLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (in Finnish) has been made available. The service does not require signing in and is freely available to customers and software developers.
The data in the sandbox does not contain real personal data. The personal identity codes and other personal data are test materials. The data can be used for various service development tasks and for testing the service. The test personal identity codes starting with the number 9 are never real persons' personal identity codes.
Follow these instructions
If the organisation has previously been a user of the modified data update service, the format and relay method of the data will change when switching to the PIS modified data interface. It also requires changes to the technical implementation by which the customer's register is updated.
A sequential file similar to the current modified data update service will be delivered until the end of 2024. Until then, the current modified data update service will operate alongside the new service. No changes other than those brought about by legislative changes will be made to the old modified data update service, and it is not offered to new users.
Commissioning the PIS modified data interface
The PIS modified data interface's data is relayed through the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's Suomi.fi Data Exchange Layer. Read more about the Data Exchange Layer.Link to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
The commissioning of the PIS modified data interface is done by applying for a data access authorisation in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's e-servicesLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
- PIS modified data interface application instructions for public administration customers (link)
- PIS modified data interface order instructions for municipalities (link)
When placing an order for the service, a report on data protection arrangements and the purpose for the use of the data must be provided.
Municipalities, hospital districts and joint municipal authorities have been granted a general data access authorisation for the organisation's official duties. These organisations do not need to apply for an authorisation separately, as the service can be ordered through the e-serviceLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.
When making the order, a report on data protection arrangements and the use of the data must be filled out.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, the new PIS modified data interface service will replace the old service after a transition period. A sequential file similar to the current one will be delivered until the 30th of June 2025.
No changes will be made to the old modified data update service, and it is not offered to new users. Basic data sets can still be ordered to the old service. After the transition period, the old service will no longer be available.
VTJ-muutosrajapinnan käyttöönottomaksu on 1000 euroa per yhteys.
- Käyttöönottomaksua ei veloiteta silloin, kun nykyisen Muutostietopalvelun asiakas siirtyy uuden VTJ-muutosrajapinnan käyttäjäksi. Jos päivitettäväksi tulee useita rekistereitä eri yhteyksien kautta, veloitetaan käyttöönottomaksu jokaisesta uudesta yhteydestä.
Palvelun käyttö on käyttöönoton jälkeen maksutonta Valtiovarainministeriön maksuasetuksen 1136/2021 2 §:ssä (linkki) mainituille valtion ja kuntien viranomaisille.
Tietoyksikköhinta veloitetaan niiltä asiakkailta, jotka eivät ole oikeutettuja maksuttomaan palveluun.
- Muutostietojen tietoyksikköhinta on 0,036 euroa per tietue.
The same personal data and building data from the Population Information System as in the current modified data update service are relayed through the service. Data is relayed by data category according to the need for use and the granted authorisation.
- The relay of data is done through the REST interface.
- The new relay route is the Suomi.fi Data Exchange Layer.
- The new data format is JSON.
- The service supports UTF-8 character encoding.
Yes, the update interval of the data may be more frequent, keeping the data up to date more efficiently. The update interval is flexible, and the customer can choose how often updates are retrieved to their register. For example, data can be retrieved once a day or once an hour.
- Personal data can be retrieved by personal identity codes. The customer can add persons in their own register to the update by their personal identity code.
- Municipalities, hospital districts and joint municipal authorities can retrieve personal data updates by the municipality.
- The authorities that keep a national register can have their own customised retrieval criteria for updating personal data.
When switching to the new service, the data access authorisations must be renewed. The customer applies for a new data access authorisation through the e-service.
Municipalities, joint municipal authorities and hospital districts have been granted a joint umbrella permit to obtain data for performing official duties, in which case user organisations can order data as specified in the permit.
The application or order is made through the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's e-services. Questions related to the service's access rights may be sent to muutostietopalvelu@dvv.fi.
To demonstrate and test the PIS modified data interface, a so-called sandbox website has been made available (link). The service does not require signing in and is freely available to customers and software developers.
The data can be used for various service development tasks and for testing the service. The data does not contain real personal data. The personal identity codes and other personal data are test materials. The test personal identity codes starting with the number 9 are never real persons' personal identity codes.
Links to Acts
Laki väestötietojärjestelmästä ja Digi- ja väestötietoviraston varmennepalveluistaLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (661/2009), Act on the Population Information System and the Certificate Services of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency