Applying for a right to officiate weddings

A registered religious community can apply for a member of their community a right to officiate weddings.

A registered religious community can apply for a member of their community a right to officiate weddings.

The right to officiate weddings can be granted to a member of age of a religious community on application of the community. The member must be familiar with the prerequisites of officiating weddings, the procedure of the marriage ceremony and the officiator’s obligations and responsibilities.

A written consent to acting as an officiator is needed from the person for whom the right is applied for.

A precondition to granting the right to officiate weddings is that the person’s eligibility has not been restricted.


  • Verify that the application has been signed and that the signatory has the right to sign for your religious community.
  • Verify that the person whom the right to officiate at weddings is applied for is marked as a member of your religious community in the Population Information System.

Do the following

  • Send a free-form application by email to vihkiminen@dvv.fiyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
  • Please use secure email if your message contains personal or otherwise confidential information. Please choose one of these addresses as the recipient:

Send secure emailyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

  • You may also send a free-form application by post to address Digital and Population Data Services Agency, PL 78, 90101 Oulu.

Frequently asked questions


Subject to a fee of EUR 87.


Population of Finland 5 650 518