Duties of the guardian

The guardian takes care of the client’s well-being and typically manages the client’s property and financial affairs. The guardian must act in the best interest of their client in all situations. They must also ask for their client’s opinion if the matter is important for the client and they understand its significance. A guardian may not disclose information on the client to others without the client’s consent.

New: at the Guardianship e-service you can make a property invertory, an annual statement, a final statement and apply for permits online. The e-service is available in Finnish and Swedish language.

Guardianship e-serviceLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

How to begin your task

Performing your task 

The end of the task 

If you are a private individual and have been appointed as guardian based on your consent, you may request to be relieved of your task at any time.  

Guardianship may also end for various other reasons. Read more instructions for situations when guardianship ends.

Frequently asked questions

Read more about frequently asked questions regarding financial matters related to guardianship.

Do you need help?

Telephone service: 0295 536 256

Service hours: Mon–Fri 9–15.