What is digital security?

Digital security aims to ensure that the digital environment is reliable, safe and accessible. This requires that different actors are able to prepare for threats to the digital environment, withstand disruptions and recover from them as well and as quickly as possible. Securing everyday functions also requires extensive cooperation, shared operating models and willingness to develop them.

Digital security implementation areas also extend beyond the digital world. In other words, digital security is not a separate entity from the rest of the organisation or society, but an integral part of all their activities. In the same way, it is also part of everyone's everyday life and manifests itself as uninterrupted communication, services and other activities in the digital world.

The key implementation areas of digital security are management and risk management, continuity management, cybersecurity, data protection and information security. These are described in more detail in the text below the image.

Digital security implementation areas

Digital security can be defined from many different starting points. Five key implementation areas are necessary to ensure comprehensive digital security. These include management and risk management, continuity management, cybersecurity, data protection and information security.

What does a digital environment mean?

Our society has rapidly digitalised. Almost all of our information and messages move through digital networks and platforms. Data is collected from each of us for the electronic services of public administration and companies. A digital environment refers to all information systems in which information is processed in different ways using software, devices or networks.

Examples of digital environments include instant messaging services, banking and payment services, e-learning environments, social media platforms and production management systems. In addition to electronic devices and systems, the digital environment includes people using them and their activities.

Additional information

This definition of digital security is based on the OECD definitionLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (pdf in Finnish) and the Government ResolutionLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (pdf). More detailed definitions for different terms and digital security management can be found in the VAHTI risk management vocabularyFile opens in a new tabyja-document-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (pdf in Finnish).