Our marriage ceremony premises  

Below is a presentation of our marriage ceremony premises in different localities.  

You may take photos and videos in the marriage ceremony premises space, but if you wish to share these photos or videos on social media, please remember to ask everyone who is present in the photo/video for their permission. 

Marriage ceremonies organized in our premises are free of charge during office hours. You can book a time and date for your marriage ceremony using our online reservation service. All available dates are presented under each service location. 

If necessary, you can book an officiator for your civil marriage ceremony at the venue of your choice after office hours. A fee of 250 euros is charged for all wedding ceremonies officiated after office hours. In addition, the travel expenses of the officiator to your marriage venue will be added to the fee. If you are planning a wedding ceremony that will be arranged outside office hours, please send an email to vihkiminen@dvv.fiLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab 

Two witnesses who are at least 15 years of age must be present during the marriage ceremony.