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Market consultation on identification tokens lays the foundation for a digital identity solution – respond to a request for information

Publication date 10.3.2022 10.32 | Published in English on 10.3.2022 at 17.39
Press release

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency has launched a market consultation for providers of identification tokens and related services. The results of the consultation will be utilised in the digital identity reform, which will produce a mobile application and an alternative device for identification without a smartphone.

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency is working with the Finnish Police to develop a solution for reforming digital identities as part of a project by the Ministry of Finance. The project produces a digital identity card in the form of a mobile application. In addition, the project produces an alternative to a mobile application, that is, an identification token that does not require a mobile device and enables identification in the electronic services of public administration.

Aiming for a durable and accessible identification token

Today, a request for information has been published to examine the current identification tokens. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency is interested in identification tokens that are cost effective to produce and physically durable. The starting point is that the solution meets the accessibility requirements. The solution must also be secure and reliable. In practice, the identification token may be, for example, a code reader device. In addition to the actual identification token, the related background and support services will be investigated.

The market consultation is carried out as a request for information, which was published in the HILMA service. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency hopes that the request for information receives a lot of replies from actors that produce products or services related to the area. The request for information has been published so that both Finnish actors and actors from other EU countries can reply to it. The request for information is open for replies until 31 March 2022.

By consulting the market, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency increases its own knowledge of the market and examines the different implementation options available. The market consultation is utilised in the possible procurement procedure in order to appropriately determine the object of the procurement, the contractual terms and the pricing model, among other things.

Read more about the digital identity reform

Additional information:

Digital and Population Data Services Agency Procurement Unit
[email protected]

Not enough time remains in the current session of the Finnish Parliament for legislative initiatives that would enable digital identity reform to be processed. Preparations for a European Digital Identity Wallet continue. Read more.

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