Testing of digital identity solutions has begun in organisations

Publication date 28.11.2022 15.28 | Published in English on 9.12.2022 at 9.44
Type:Press release

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency has advanced its efforts to develop new digital identity solutions. All services are available for testing. The aim is to introduce the solutions on 1 September 2023. In addition to developing a national solution, the Agency also participates in and influences the development of a European digital identity, which lays the foundation for European Digital Identity Wallet applications that can be utilised throughout the EU. The reform progresses in both legislative drafting and technical specifications.

Wide range of organisations involved in the testing, soon citizens also involved

Several pilots are underway in which organisations test how they can utilise a digital identity application, a transaction ID for foreigners and an identification device in their own activities. The latest completed item is the possibility to test a screening application for a digital identity card that can be embedded in an organisation’s own system. A reader application produced by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and an electronic identification solution have been under testing for several months. Read the support material for testingLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab(in Finnish).

Citizens can sign up for a user communityLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab, that allows them to express their opinions and test and evaluate new digital identity services. The aim is to involve a diverse group of Finns and foreigners who use Finnish services in the development of digital identities.

Services to be developed in the reform:

  • Suomi.fi Wallet: A digital identity mobile application that allows you to use the digital proof of identification and the transaction ID for foreigners.
  • Digital proof of identity: alongside passport and identity card for showing proof of identity when using in-person services and e-services.
  • Transaction ID for foreigners: A solution for foreigners to prove their identity in e-services.
  • Code display: Means of identification in public services for those who do not use a mobile device.

The introduction of a digital identity solutions requires amendments to the legislation, and the billLink to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab (in Finnish) is now being discussed by Parliament. The Act and the services are intended to enter into force on 1 September 2023.

Requirements for European digital identity evolving

The EU is working to develop European digital identity. Experts from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency will also participate in this work, which will lay the foundation for European Digital Identity Wallet applications used throughout the EU. The reform makes progress in legislative drafting and technical specifications.

In October and November, the first draft of the reference architecture was in for comments. After it is completed, the document significantly guides the technical implementation. The Commission has also selected the wallet application's reference implementation provider and there should be a decision on the funding of wallet pilots soon. Finland is involved in three different consortia. If they succeed in applying for funding, it will be possible to pilot several different wallet use cases in Finland in 2023-25.

The digital identity reform is advancing both in Finland and in the EU. The best way to stay up-to-date with the progress is by participating in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's information events (in Finnish).

Read more about the digital identity reform

Not enough time remains in the current session of the Finnish Parliament for legislative initiatives that would enable digital identity reform to be processed. Preparations for a European Digital Identity Wallet continue. Read more.

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