The Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service location in Jyväskylä is moving
The Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service location in Jyväskylä is moving in March 2025. From 19 March 2025, you can find us in the same location with many other state operators in Sinetti at Vapaudenkatu 58, 40100 Jyväskylä (entrance from Urhonkatu).
Opening hours still the same
The last day when we are open at the current service location on Isokatu will be Friday 14 March. The change will not affect the opening hours, as the Jyväskylä service location is normally open from Wednesday to Friday.
You can still leave documents in the indoor and outdoor mail boxes on Hannikaisenkatu until Monday 17 March. In the Vapaudenkatu location, the outdoor mailbox will be located next to the entrance door in Urhonkatu and the indoor mailbox can be found on the ground floor, in the customer service lobby.
Get married at the same address
With the move, the Love Agency will re-locate to new facilities by the customer service. Previously, the premises where ceremonies took place was located at a different address in Hannikaisenkatu. In other words, the new address of the marriage ceremony premises in Jyväskylä is Vapaudenkatu 58 (entrance from Urhonkatu).
In most cases, using our services does not require a visit to the service location
In most cases, you do not need to visit a service location of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency in person but you can use the electronic service channels or the telephone service instead.
These channels will be available as usual, and the change of service location in Jyväskylä will not affect their service hours.
If your case requires a visit to a service location, we recommend that you book an appointment. There is a limited number of time slots for walk-in clients. Learn more about cases that require a personal visit.
The Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service location in Jyväskylä is open as follows:
- The last service day before relocating: Friday 14 March 2025 (address: Hannikaisenkatu 47 C).
- Customer service and marriage ceremony facilities in the new premises in Sinetti: Wednesday 19 March 2025 (address: Vapaudenkatu 58, entrance from Urhonkatu)
The relocation of the Jyväskylä service location and establishing shared service points for the central government are a part of a reform of the central government's services and premises network. The project aims to centralise in-person appointments at the central government's service locations by establishing shared service points during the 2020s. At the same time, the central government’s use of premises will be made more efficient as agencies relocate to shared office spaces.