Skip to Content website to be updated 

Publication date 13.6.2024 8.15
Press release

The website of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency will be gradually updated this year. The updates will make using the website and the services easier and more customer-oriented.

The first visual and functional changes will be visible on the website on Thursday 13 June. The front page is the first to be updated. At the same time, we will also group content intended for individuals around specific life events. 

Initially, the updates will only apply to the Finnish-language version of We will deploy the changes in Swedish and English in the next stage.

Customer feedback is critical to developing the website. You can send feedback using the form.

Give feedback

The updates may cause some interruptions on the website on 13–14 June 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Tiedote - VAIN Henkilöasiakkaat-etusivulle